Full text: Wilhelm der Siegreiche.

19. 1. 
22. 7. 
25. 13. 
IV (pp. 10—27) 
On the tenth anniversary of the battie of Waterloo Colonel 
Prince William was gazetted lieutenant-general. 
He became engaged to be married in February 1826, and 
the wedding tock place in June of the same year. 
He had two children, a son and a daughter. 
On his elder brother's accession to the throne William 
received the title of “ Prince of Prussia.“ 
An insurrection took place in Berlin and ihe military 
were called out to restore order in the streets. 
The obstinacy with which the insurgents delended their 
barricades was such as to make people fear the worst. 
Though the Prince of Prussia had done his work with his 
usual derotion to duty he was induced by the king to 
leave Prussia for a time. 
Haring made the necessary preparations for his departure 
he lelt for England. 
. On his arrival in London he met with a friendly reception 
from the Court and the people. 
On his return in June 1848 he had a grand reception in. 
Wesel, and his journey io Berlin was like a triumphal 
Prince William commanded the army which was formed 
to put down the risings in Baden and in the Palatinate. 
The growing power and the increasing authorit) which 
Prussia was asserting in Europe excited the jealousy of 
The news that Austria had made an alliance with Russia 
induced Prussia to cry small and to accept Austria’s 
The Prince of Prussia was deeply disappointed by) this 
fresh humiliation which his country had undergone. 
IThe engagement of his son Frederick to the Princess 
Royal of England was a cheering incident amid the 
many unpleasant events of that time. 
On October 26, 1838 ihe Prince of Prussia was com- 
missioned to take over the regency in the place of his 
brother the king, and assumed the tille of “ Prince- 
On the death of King Frederick IV. which occurred in 
January 1861 the Prince-Regent ascended the Prussian 
Throne as King William I.

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