Full text: Archiv für öffentliches Recht. Band 38 (38)

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1912; S. G. Hobson, Irish Home Rule, 1912; R. Fitzwalter, England, Ireland 
and Rome, British Review März 1913; Gwynn, Home Rule and the House 
of Lords, The 19th Century, März 1913; Lord Charnwood, Federal Home 
Rule, 19th Century April 1913; Kennedy, Why Home Rule is unnecessary, 
Fortnightly Review Juni 1913; Monypenny, The Two Irish nations, Lon- 
don 1913; Lord Hythe, The breakdown of Parliamentary Government and 
the Remedy, London 1913; Balfour, Nationality and Home Rule, London 
1913; An., An appeal to the crown, Fortnightly Rev., Dez. 13; Lord Dun- 
raven, A last plea for Federation, 19tk Century, Dez. 13; Walker, Home 
Rule and Irish Administration, Contemporary Rev., Dez. 13; M. Macdonald 
and Lord Charnwood, The Federal Solution, London 14; Lord Dunraven, 
The Governments Proposals, The British Review, April 14; Sir H. Lucy, 
Reminiscences of the first Home Rule Bill, Cornhill Mag. April 14; Brig.- 
Gen. Stone, Ulster as a Belligerent, 19th Century, April 14; Sidney Low, 
The Coming of the Empire Cabinet, 19th Century, April 16; St. Stephens, 
Secret History of the Sinn Fein, English Review, Mai 16; Austin Harrison, 
Huns in Ireland, English Review, Nov. 17; Ch. Travers, Poverty in Dublin, 
ebenda; Austin Harrison: Ireland, our Test of Statesmanship, English Re- 
view, Dez. 17; J. Swift Mae Neill, Irish Self-Government and the „Hidden 
Hand“, ebenda; J. MceGrath, Sir Horace Plunkett, Sinn Fein and the Irish 
Situation, Fortnightly Review, Dez. 17; A. S. Herbert, The Convention, or 
else?, 19th Century, Dez. 17. Vgl. auch meine Schrift „Irland ein Bei- 
spiel der Machtpolitik“. Leipzig 1918.

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