Full text: Gesetz- und Verordnungs-Blatt für das Königreich Bayern. 1918. (45)

Nr. 65. 703 
1 2 6 1 2 3 4 6 
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520000250 350o0%0 231“40,000 1460,00 420 
44 m—* 50000%60 64 9416%00010000 1022 292 4200 
43400SB50 R5 1600,0001 740 1036 286 13000 
490%560,000 50,0020 392 112 6•000 96|0,000000 430 
500 O00 600,000290 406 97/1520,00000000 
5 (Ooo#620,00%300 4202 98 1540,000160,0070OBBn N08 44 
52 62000010 000810%2 991.560,000|80,000O0 1092112 45,000 
5344%00 000 %%„ 0 % 4000 
544000 680,00030 42 1324 % 44 
550,000 700000%40 46 2 4 
56700000 20,0000 4 1 , 1031«s40,0001«6·30,000820114832847,000 
66 00,000 920,00%450 630 180 26,000 1131840,000|1°860, 000M920 1288 368 53,000 
67/920,000 940,00060400 1141860 000 1880. 000) 930 13021 572 000 
684000 960,000 8 2000 115-80 0000040 
60|960,000| 980, 00|680 672 192T, “e0600116100001920,000 0 0 55,000 
70580,000 1.000,000086% 28000 17000 
71/1000,000 1020,000500 700 200 29,000 18 6564,000 
721020,000 1.010,000/510 74 2042 00 11·980,000 S6,000 
73.1-040,000 1 060,000520 728 208 30.00020 1 60.000 2000.0 990 13886 396 57,000 
74 LO60, 000 1/080,000%530 742 212 31,000,000 2·020,00000 1400 S58,000 
758111080,000 1100,000 540756 216 31,00022 2040000 1010 5000 
76L100,000 1/120,000550%70 220 200059000 
77|1120,000 1140,000560% 784 224300 000,0 
78 1140,000 L/100,000470 338. 000 25,000 2 100,0001040 6 60,0000 
791-160,000 1.180,000 580 812 232 000 0 Go, 000 
80 1180,0001200000900 826 236 3400 6f1,0 
811.200,000 L220,00600% S0 240 4 000 
82 1220,000%14 o0610 S 4 244 620 
88 1.2400001 60,00o62088 6, 000000200,0000 26 4 630000 
1.260,000 L.280,00080 882 252 S6,000 1510, Oo0 22000000 63 
895280,000 1 3000006 %S96 26 37000 4 64,000 
§61300,000 13200000%50 9o 260 38,000 0 64000 
S320,000 1 340, 00060 2424 „0o0o0o 34220,000 2 280, 000|130 1582 452 65,000 
88 41 360,000 98 268 3000 135R 66,000 
891,360,000 1,380,0008022 1000 36|2300,000220 O00| 1160 66,000 
904380,000 1 400,000900% G6 
91/1,400,000 1 420,000 00 (0 0 4 6,000 
92 |1/420,000 140,000 1 710 994 2241,000139%,000 0 630%

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