Object: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1836. (13)

Actto-Stand der Amtspflege. 
Actio-Capitalien. bei den Gemeinde-Cassen. Ersatz-Posten. 
Andere Ausstaͤnde. 
Summe der Activen. 
Verzinsliche 1 Aussiände 
1832 1835 1832 1833 1832 1835 1832. 1835. 1832. 1835. 
— — — — — — 1,027 335 1,027 335 
— 7,000 — 34 38 — 16,107 9,166 16.145 16, 200 
3,.356 5,005, 57,530 50,0/9 9 — 23,957 30, 196 84,902 63,250 
— — 2,082 937 — — 13,261 7,504 185, 343 8,/51 
525 9,550 12,711 5,299 28 31 711 799 3,1975 15 
100 — 1,715 483 95 879 1,614 5,337 4,582 6,699 
— — 5,969 3, 466 957 289 25.052 23,578 31,8978 27, 333 
— — 25,344 16,129 14 35.70924,16657,067 40,295 
4, 81 1,593 12,695 5.517 5 482 11,290 5,196 28.821 14,97#8 
— 6,000 — – — — 2,726 1,724 2,726 7,724 
2,163 3,612 1,225 — 12 55 1,665 633 5,070 4,500 
25.898 20,072 10, 905 4,070 306 215 16, 868 21,709 31,977 46, 066 
20,903 18,925 — — — — 6,857 2, 10507,740 21,050 
9.503 1 – — – — 5,552 71664% .91520167 
—— —.————— — 
65, 114 2, 82 226 , DSS34 2,522 6,512 160, 5766, OCS 2, 26 

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