Full text: Studien zum Deutschen Staatsrechte. Erster Band. Die vertragsmäßigen Elemente der Deutschen Reichsverfassung. (1)

Anhang. 283 
6. The powers not delegated to the Confederate States by the 
Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the 
States respectively or to the people thereof1?. 
Artiele VII. 
-U. art, VO. 
When five States shall have ratified this Constitution in the manner 
before specified, the Congress, under the provisional Constitution, shall 
prescribe the time for holding the election of President and Vice Presi- 
dent, and for the meeting of the electoral college, and for counting the 
votes and inaugurating the President. They shall also prescribe the 
time for holding the first election of members of Congress under this 
Constitution and the time for assembling the same. Until the assemb- 
ling of such Congress, the Congress under the provisional Constitution 
shall continue to exercise the legislative powers granted them; not ex- 
tending beyond the time limited by the Constitution ‘of the Provisional 
Adopted, unanimously, March 11, 1861. 
19 Bis auf das Schlusswort = U. Amendment 10.

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