Metadata: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1836. (13)

— — —— 
Achitei v 
amn d 
d n ac u- 
Verzinsliche An and bei den Steulr- 4 
Activ-Chpitalien. Cont#ir#nen:. Esaß-Peosen. A#dere Activ-Posten. Summe der Activen. 
« l 
? I I 
1832. 1335 1852. 1835. 1332 1883. 132 1855 1332 1835. 
( 1 « i l 
« s i 
58,135 1 55.556 IH.81 1,659 130 ,122 15,5531 54,238 72,876 
EI 295 159 ½6 ** 15.218 188568 54.951 61,/25 
#nn 13,.5017 2,.522 5l551 205 7 15.797 16,889 26,069 835,823 
25.569 26,59% 5,752 1,218 220 *! I0,062 29,16“ 39,585 56,849 
671s1 012 t 7,. 829 1,.1105 783 1 62 8,691 25,832 113,965 141,371 
80.5958 10523 8.285 55 — 57,.550 12,959 157,508145,951 
80,108 21,171 5.200 60.156 207 117 310,00, 1!,791 1L551 
50,025 510,030 41,182 344 156 55,.525 21,.715 109,8959,115 
5.550 9,866 5,131 53,180 — 615 9151 2s½.038 18, 11197 
15,806 1 18.5382 5,955 1,295 — — 7. 988 8/02 27,740 28,279 
1,053 2,587 279 81 — — 2.7389 1,155 4, 106 3,602 
10,057 12,040 99 112 370 272 4,992 10,775 76./08 23,206 
127,075 118,755 11,618 5.773 405 566 19,554 31,853 159.622 158, 952 
5%6% P 505) 8355 Als 15 12 700 5.062 10,672 9,567 
106 20.,922 2,306 506 25 73 1,796 13,.0066 16,1045,957 
5%,169 55,214 555 352 839 557 27,907 24/113083,569 70,053 
4,952 4,59/ 681 572 — 31 2,594 3,635 8,207 8/52 
45, 052 42, 50 6,92 5.173 597 *- 1.301 5,.026 5558552 51,91% 
1,596 1 1,501 815 828 — 113 1/71 2,615 5.910 5,095 
5.925 41 5, 888 5,95 — 83 2,318 G.521 14, 160 17,o089 
510 %00 I1,5813 15 32 15 1,355 633 5,673 1.518 
7 v’% H% 63,5 5,057 5.557 258,215 1, 525 ,OGS, 295090, 069 

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