Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1836. (13)

Passioe-Stand der Gemeinden. V 
Verzinsliche Rückstände Andere « 
Passio-Capitalien. zur Amtepflege. Passio= Rückstände. Summe der Passioen. Activ= U. 
— F 
1832. 1836. 1832. 1835. 1832. 1835. 1832 1835 1852. 
133,736 77, 828 534,268 1,695 768 2,550 1388,772 122,065 47,768 
51.680 2,376 674 169 5,992 5.96 9,555 6,500 101,069 
22,500 27 176 31/, 60 744 809 23, 358 28,515 31,215 
55,522 20,166 — — 1.580 1,037 31,902 21,205 126,510 
61.106 30. 651 10,00% 2, 103 313 5,540 71.763 88,591 12,517 
50,481 17,140 18,99“ 60 % 1,810 803 51,285 18.556 32,608 
28,698 14,853 870 — 3,209 1.820 32,777 19,655 67,302 
15,7. 19.640 – — 18,650 19./55 37.131 39,075 —. 
115,061 114, 63 8,989 — 11,028 1..996 135,078 125.159 19,007 
152,257 89,.295 — — 2,260. 7 154,517 89.305 50,01% 
200, 5 176,105 — — 807 267 201,19 176,371 56, 051 
516,018 403, 960 — — 3,773 4,276 319,791 08,236 2.351 
159,796 105,627 — — 3,567 1,658 163,5653 107, 285 55.903 
32, 367 28.541 200 — 529 566 52,893 29,107 6735 
96.776 107,096 — — 10,200 8,290 106,076 115,586 1 2½97 
78/40 55,159 — — 9.106 6,816 87,006 190,6655 87, 065 
37,090 65.596 12,625 5,910 22 *20 99735 69,756 165,977 
Lõ48, 563 1,401,708 I106, 956 50,871 72,.518 72,24 1728,,00 1,52/,825 

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