Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1839. (16)

— — 
Aetiv-Stand der Amtspfkegen. 
Verzinsliche Auisstände · . 
E·J:F · - Vk"’ 
AmoÆaptmlim britmGrwmmÆassm GEIle Andere Ausstände. Summe der Arcti 
1835. 1358. 18355. 38 1835 1838. 1855 1858.55. 1355. 
* — 5, — — 335 1,503 555 1 
7-000 – 34 45 — 10 9,166 15. 140 16,200 15 ½ 
5,005 2, 00 50,019 10,918 — 585 50,196 16,633 65,250 / 
— 37 c — « 72 
– 957 1,612 — 7,504 6,116 8,1 7% 
9,350 18,735 5,299 517 * 580 7?700 608 15,478 20,1 
2!tr 1. *“ ⅛6 1 
– 435 ulr – 5.337 5,231 6,699 5% 
— — 3,66 - 289 951 23,578 13,599 27,533 2200 
– — 16,129 8,583 — — 21,166 13,874 40,295 21% 
1.595 Lcc 56517 617 %2NS,11 296 205. 11, 
6,000 10, 150 — — — — 1.724 4,656 7,724 14.305 
5,612 ½ 552 55 75 633 930 4,500 6½ 
20,072 14,155 4,0 70 507 215 109 21,709 7,632 46,066 23,8 
155 — — 2,105 2.98111,050 5#, 
12,705 14,110 61 — – 7. 164 2,587 20,167 16,57 
82,082 90,282 65,987 29,894 6.012 5.505 127 912 99 355 292 266 B¾ 25,520 
1. 77" Di *9204 * 

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