Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1839. (16)

= Stand 
enr G 
.,. , 
; z· — 
—“-N Ancn ur wue Pelen. Andere Actir-Posten. Summe der 
K— ——— – · 
1855. 1838. 1835. 1838. 1835. 1838. 1335. 1338. 1335. 183 
I — 
27.903 25.9990 2·.5568 571 827 1,025% , 109 as, zöd 
EIIIIE 10 250 as 17,910 202 1 % 
93,0 5% 108,502 2.791 666 256 525 55.017 43.745 150, 518 155 
5010 3071355% 0,00 5 % 
5886 11,533 ½ 5% 104 % 6 
79,955% 55,71655 183 68 225122 LSÖ%% 
68.50 68.566 5/54 1,072 200%%2 123 0 10,9076 1%0 1114 
175,908 176.785 1.677 886 — 5 7.218 S0.5132.855 8 
120, 50 176.625.0 5.725 4,270 629 499 412,575 37,060198.72 *rs? 
100.508 00,450 5,662 8,118 506 I1.I11½ 51,002 6% 157. 368 # 
EIILIEEEICCCCCCCfO 515 ,6097 1 5,26 168, 7151 
45 % %03.%%m 4, 166 LOR %%% S3S„ 
8,309 2,000 65.915 47.769 — — 45.78 29,550 5½8½ 
z5. 1651 72,957 14254 556 90 66 531, 336111,063 
1/nL0,2% 56% 1 s is 57 249 114 5.00%“ 50.52581,80: 188 l 
62, o21 72651 6, 535 3,289 322 569 51./20 50,29805 lEsmFisnt 
154,042 12,504% 5096 
— 4½ 
1432, 50 1, , SO02½ O S!! S1 20, 284 570, 659 Co, 111 2, 500,270 

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