Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1839. (16)

Passiv-Stand der Gemeinden. Vergr 
— « . 
Verzinsliche Rückstände Andere Summe der Passiven. Actio-Ueberschuß. 
Masso-Capitalien. zur Amtspflege. Fassiv, Rückstände. 
18356. 1838. 1835. 1334.335 1838. 18335. 1858. 1335. 1838. 
5566028,845 — — 815 746 LS 9L8 10,o80 
8,625 16,025 — — 1,570 821 10,195 16,846 12,118 17,107 
38,712 55,611%,650%% %s % 756 5 123,854 
4,400 1,400 937 1,612 678 3,416 6,015 6128 31,922%56, 509 
14,1890 134,289 6,299 517 1,405 121 20,891 % 8,74410,538 
22,208 665,018 482 — 3/72ä4%Q 26.411 66, 0051 72,745 62,765 
10, 100 470 3,66 3,103 7,517 so6 20,8983 469 6,900% 
u#s1 ros 7,956 2,006 2,088% 631,871 66, 414 
Wassos150 5,524 4,242 7,506 a#lco % %%%% 
*532255,857 — — 4,447 668% 29,290656,073 
v655030 A1,040 — 3b3?2 31335S6öées 45 10,599½9s3 
1089% 100 ,7 4%070 507 5,942 5226 %%% 46, 338 
10, 300 W — — 1,458 1,50 me iu,203 163,881 164, 260 
4500 3,675 — — 2,567 5,.545 6.867 7,220 61,754 74,914 
447% 3,650 — — 1,275 563 5,75 41 1,150 485. 
5868 53,535 203 — 52 156 5,101 655,695 163 7210 
600 15,300 — — 41 163 641 1/53 5308606 
1% 13,520 — — 3,454 136 1½½ 5,187 2,856 
25,340 — — z0 s6s 30470 2234081 L#o 155 
157S GSO0,S14 0 S1728 

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