Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1839. (16)

Activ-Stand der Gemeinden. 
· i er- 
Activ-Capitalien. usenbent " * Andere Activ-Posten. Summe der Activen. 
13355. 1838. 1355. 1838. 1836. 1838. 1835. 1888.1835.38 
65, 556 65,710 1,659 2,171 150 299 15,551 19,176 72,876 87, 356 
4%290 51, 705 139 79 78 — 16,868 13,118255 69,002 
13,½ 3 2 57 259 16,889 18,804 5,828 540 
26,506 45,6951 1,218 254 71 550 ,30 50.859069% % 
115, o12 5, ;DL 62 11 2 3,595 141,571 170, 1 
9%693; ·2% BNL — 299 60, 120 1 1 187,02 
21,171 161116/136 559 117 7 I10791919,0083 39, 216 10,07 
s1,030 68, 244 21,182 512 186 4556 20% ½ os, 
—————m— 615 col %0 58 20, 8200 , 7 a47,0 
18582 S0,010 4½ 1 — 3#0220,3211 506 
2/587 6,556 81 — — — uiz46,883 3,602 3 
12,049 17,996 112 — 272 138 %8é 23,20629,0|s5 
118755 5 51 sss LSSS1 22, 
5,895 7,679 418 180. 12 42 5,042 9,845 9,567 17, 746 
20,922 3, 516 28 75 66% 5%8 5 3o--s 
442144 852 472 557 A0os 2%, 430,537 66,380 
300 535,# 5 à 15 sss 1,5251 1,618 460 
4,594 17,020 372 90 51 2681 ,62 
42,504 29,569 3,.175 589 511 64 5,926 6.531 51,914 5675 
1,31110 282 259 113 56% 1:NS.005 a,id 
à3%51¼ „ öG6 5S,57 83 5G oors½089% 
— 11,004 — — — 59m — 5,890 — 14,95) 
— 3, 305 — 105 — 45 — 6,510 — 10,26 
— 8./155 — 3,970 — L — 5,699 — 8 255 
— 715 — 265 — 1 — 1,683 — 2,661 
—— — —— 

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