Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1843. (20)

Stand der Gemeinden. Vergleichung. Verwendet auf 
— Erlbs aus In Abgang # 
Ruͤcstand Andere Gumme . Grundstocks= verrechner Erbauung Eraufuns] Aelbsung 
— zur Schulden u. der Ueberschuß. Deficit. theilen, Oe- oder nachge- nener L von Gebaͤu- von GServi- 
umspflege. Racsstände. Passiven. baͤuden ic. lasen. baͤube. den, Gütern tuten und 
— l , 
l. 1841. — 1841. u· ai · 5uu.18% 18 
— 1,696627,327 85,157 47,828 4,839 2,108 5,511 4,369 564 
– 6,.2071, 0275 1605 24707 5,477 6608 3 16,070 17,789 
— 2,083 88,514 677751 6,845 2,75628,0500 7340 1,729 
— 67,148S 94,003 19,618 10985 70112,135 4,876 15,011 
— 7,810 29,843 192,102 2,59 3,984 2,0712,644 16,786 8,329 
— 826 22,026 45,611 654 6,164 5,886 35,060 15,971 16,195 
*52 808 11,415 21,756 8,310 200 255 — 9,040 5,390 
17,5664 145,747 79,430 114164 14,142 1,3805 30,012 16,014 141 
— 1,681 78,020 29,362 43,621 936 505 12,341 3,495 1,341 
— 4085 80,285 27,074 50,153 3,262 959 8,9189 6522 3,102 
— 391 95,453 2,270 83,920 6,408. 193 — 122206 50 
— 4,04% 55,541 24,502 435001 1509 45% 2411 3 5,143 
— 14,641 54,848 242,208 24,079 6,139 ,807 23, 162 20,700 12,41 
— 142 39,002 4,100 290,196 2,9037 1,878 6,692 3,900 183 
— 4,000 43 28,226 8,503 151 2,052 — 13,813 76 
— 13,033 83,220 441,112 30,626 3,634 1,058 8,1686 32,851 2,304 
— 1150122 4424 312 935 34 5,773 250 — 
— 340 77,728 13,160 3 2,842 4,686 5,572 3,909 874 
— 1,455. 69,915 6,851 47,675 4315 515 8,210 1,354 2,459 
*s*P 5%%4, 108 4 6,443 3,814 173 585 226 16 
— 310 77,270 10,797 64,563 3,080 308 20,084 865 195 
— 39718,514 1, 737 6,755 — 38 2,088 — — 
— 874 10,424 ——— — — — — — 
— 5,504 11, 499 8, 995 36 — 339 — — 4 
1,301 2,188 1,876 119 — — — — — 
1158,51717295,2521121,115) 808,524 92,658 40,436 266,019 189,645 110,699 

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