Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1858. (35)

— — 
fl. fl. fl. s. fl. 
III. Jartkreis. 
Aalen 20,687 1 5,295 4,207 30,100 
Crailsheim 26,054 68 4,3500 4,186 34,658 
Ellwangen 36,303 15 6,177 5,467 47,962 
Gaildorf 27,163 — 3,629 2,499 33,291 
Gerabronn 55,986 1 6,217 4,749 66,953 
Gmünd 24,825 — 5.157 7,005 36,987 
Hall 45,618 4,801 6,799 5818 62,736 
Heidenbeim 34,950 — 8,617 7,493 51,060 
Künzelsau 40,895 — 6,266 4,841. 52,002 
Mergentheim. 47,562 — 6,646 5,028 59,236 
Neresheim 31,922 23 4,692 3,595 40,232 
Oehringen 56,169 — 7,786 4791 68,746 
Schorndorf 23,585 — 6,066 3,160 32,811 
Welzheim. 21,885 100 3,82,210 28,097 
493,604 5,000 81,509 644,961 
64749 . 

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