Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1859. (36)

Oberäuter. Sln r Hauptbetrag. 
II. Schwarzwald- "6 "; " 4n ;l s 
Balingen. 28,165 — 6,553 5,614 40,332 
Calw. 20,525 69 7,204 5,554 33,352 
Freudenstadt 23,451 32 5,941 4, 707 34,131 
Herrenberg 35,774 — 7,019 2,714 45,507 
Horb 25,580 81 7,032 2,807 35,500 
Nagold 22,367 46 7,152 4,840 34,405 
Neuenbürg 14,843 260 4,756 3.782 23,641 
Nürtingen. 28,100 — 6,510 4,133 36,743 
Oberndorf. 21,674 4 5,216 3,304 30,198 
Reutlingen 31,610 390 11,566 362 56,628 
Rottenburg 35,986 14 8,990 4,463 49,453 
Rottweil 34,556 — 6,838 4,451 45,845 
Spaichingen 19,988 — 3,140 2,391 25,519 
Sulz. 24,825 — 4,145 2,393 31,363 
Tuttlingen. 26,587 12 4.770 4,180 35,549 
Tübingen 29,030 39 10,764 6,086 45,919 
Urach 27,506 — 6,133 6,285 39,924 
— 450,567 9413,729 80, 766 646,009 

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