Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1877. (54)

Mark. Mark. Mark. Mark. Mark. 
III. Jaxtkreis. 
Aalen 45,738 — 17,731 21,085 84,554 
Crailsheim 58,088. 125 20,552 16,157 94,922 
Ellwangen 80,718 9 24,283 16,826 121,836 
Gaildorf 60,035 — 14,937 6,606 81,578 
Gerabronn 125,381 1 26,510 14,308 166,200 
Gmünd. 55,442 — 25,064 4,824 115,330 
Hall. 101,835 — 33.502 23,433 158,770 
Heidenheim 78,122 — 332915 39,400 151,446 
Künzelsau 91,787 — 20,516 15,810 128,113 
Mergentheim. 105,899 — 26,778 17,481 50,158 
Neresheim. 71,498 34 17,828 14,833 104188 
Oehringen. 125,447 — 27,690 12,356 165,493 
Schorndoffr. 52,577 — 15,242 10,577 78,396 
Welzheim 48,715 422 15,568 6,042 70,747 
— 1,101,282 5911 320,11149,747 1,671,731 

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