Full text: Wilhelm der Siegreiche.

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58. 6. Bourbakische: the term. -isch forms adis. from— 
(1) common nouns: Dieb (thiet'), diebisch; Krieger 
(Wwarrior'), kriegerisch; 
(2) names of countries, towns, and even of persons, as 
here: preußisch, jüdisch, Gortschakoff'schen (p. 14 
1. 30). 
in die Schweiz: names of countries and towns are as a 
rule neuter and used without the def. art. Fem. are die 
Schweiz, die Türkei, die Pfalz Palatinate, die Moldau 
Noldavia, die Krim Crimean, die Normandie. Alasc. 
those im -gau, der Rheingau, near Bingen on the Rhine. 
überzutreten, to cross’ (intrans.);; über has its full adv 
force, but übertreten used flg. = to transgress’: er über- 
tritt das Gesetz (law). 
aller Stämme: see note. p. 21. 21. 
König Ludwig von Bayern: see note, p. 45 I. S. 
dem Reichstage: the Imperial Diet, Composed of delegates 
(Abgeordnete) from the various states. Each state has also 
i#s own parliament, called der Landestag or das Abge- 
ordnetenhaus (in Prussia). 
der freien Städte: the three towns of Hamburg, Lübeck, 
and Bremen, and, till 1866, Frankfurt a. Al. Each of these 
three Hanse towns has a territorr and government of its own, 
but within the last twenty-fHre ycars they have joined the 
German Customs Union (Zollverein) of the Empire. 
. am 13. Jauanuar 1371: this was exacily) 270 Fears after 
the Elector Friedrich III. von Brandenburg had been 
Proclaimed König Friedrich I. von Preussen at Königsberg. 
hierbei, on the occasion; see note, p. 10 lI. 14 and p. 20 
1. 20. 
der Großherzog von Baden;: son-in-law of Wilhelm I. 
das Hoch ausbrachte auf (+acc), proposed three cheers 
for’;: Or“ Long live the German Emperor Wilhelm. Hurrah! 
Amidst a tempest of cheering, amidst waving of swords 
and helmets, William, King of Prussia, was hailed as 
German Emperor, and with eyes streaming wüh tears 
receired the homage of princes, dukes, and lords of the 
Empire. (A. Forbes.) 
Mont Valérien: the highest hill in the neighbourhood of 
Paris and crowned by a fort of great strategic importance. 
mochte sie . ausfallen, whether the issue were good 
or bad’; see p. 10 l. 22, p. 25 l. 6, p. 28 l. 30. 
lder Pariser Besatzung: see note, p. 46 1 8S.

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