Full text: Wilhelm der Siegreiche.

allmählich, gradually 
allgemach, by slow degrees 
nach und nach, little by little 
allsdann- dann, ½62 
also, thereflore, 10 
alt, old 
Alter (das), age 
im hohen „at an advanced age 
das Mittelalter, the Middle Ages 
Anbetracht ders, manner of secing, 
aubieten, o, o, to offer 
Aublick (der), sight 
anbrechen, a, o„ to begin 10 breakk, 
beim Cagesanbruch, at dawn 
aubringen, a, a (irr), to briug on, 
affix, post u 
(das, thinking on, 
zum an (+acc), in remem- 
brance of 
ander, other 
äindern, to change 
anders, otherwise, different 
anderthalb, one and a hall 
aneighen (sich) (eigen, o#o), to de- 
vote, Appropriate, contract 
Anerkennung (die), acknowledg- 
Anfall (der). Jalling on, attack 
anfangen, i, a, to begin 
was soll ich —— What um I to 
mit ihm ist nichts anzufangen, there 
is no doing anything with him 
gleich am Anfang, at the very 
Anfänger (der), beginner. 
anfenern, to inflame, incite 
Auflung (der), sudden rusb, tinge 
augeben, a, e, to begin to give, 
state, specif) 
den TCon —, to take the lead 
angchören, to belong 2o (dauz) 
Angelegenheit Gich somcthing 
achacent, aflair 
auswärtige en, foreign affairs 
Augesicht (das), “—iti Autlitz, face, 
botk words of a higher tyle 
tnhan das Gesicht 
angesichts TLeez, in the face of, 
before, in view of 
angreifen, i, i. to #### at, at- 
der Angriff, attack 
die Angriffswaffe, offensive weapon 
die Angriffsentwickelung, develop- 
ment of an attack 
ängsten, to alarm 
anhalten, ie, a, to gock to, con- 
tinue, persevere; zes gayz, 
anhangen, i. a, to 4zg oz, cling 
Unhe ager (der), dependent 
Anhöhe (die), de 
anhören, to listen to 
ankämpfen, to combat 
anknüpfen, to 527#, enter into 
Ankömmling (der], new-comer 
Ankunft (die), arrival 
Anlaß (der), occasion, cause 
anläßtlich (-ger), on the occasion 
Anlage (die), design, ground 
anlegen, to fasten, found (olo- 
anmessen, a, e, to measure to; 
ꝓres part, commensurate 
annehmen, a, o, to accept, assume 
für, to admit 
sich einer Sache 
terested in 
die Annahme, assumption 
anorduen, to direct, give orders 
anupassen, to fit to, adapt 
auschanuen, to look at 
Anschein (der), appearance 
dem nach, apparentl)y 
ansehen, a, e, to lock at 
das Ansehen, importance 
Ansicht (die), view, opinion 
der (meinung) sein, to be of 
the opinion. 
die), exertion 
(die), address 
auf (+ acc) 
vancc claims to 
Austand nehmen, to hesitate 
anstrengen, to Strain, cxert 
die Anstrengung, elkort 
anthun, a, a, to doz, 
commit (violence, etc.) 
, to be in- 
erhbeben, to ad- 

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