Full text: Central-Blatt für das Deutsche Reich. Vierter Jahrgang. 1876. (4)

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Deutschen Reich in den Monaten Januar bis August 1876. 
April. Mai. Juni. Juli. August. 
M MA 4 # A 
11.72560 13.200 30 11.595 10 10.4900 00 10.74380 
2.6563 55 2.728 445 2.7075 2.7260 2.400 15 
10. 402495 11.7620 12.411 10 10.7966 50 11.632 30 
51.522280 55.32185 62.7.0750 50 57.228 25 52.64330 
3.81480 4.304 25 4.226 15 3.641 05 3.909 75 
4.734 9.792 80 8.0608 90 7.878 85 7.513 75 
12.017 11.725 50 11.99411485 12.2303|70 11.02120 
1.994 65 1.9855 2.3906 00 1.900 95 1.603 60 
4.828 90 4.829 35 6.400 10 5.07272020 4.077 15 
2.755 95 2.97715 3.99110 3.4640 2.93130 
21.16670 21.4440 22.5010| 40 21.199 90 20.423 50 
6.70415 8.034 00 8.363 60 7.757465 7.24115 
7.35155 7.2890 25 8.05595 7.897 85 7.485 10 
15.74445 15.00885 13.89110 15.688 75 15.55420 
699610 6.636 35 7.9940 6.83520 7.37580 
8.87“425 10.008 60 8.40495 9.818 80 8.971145 
6.026 85 5.82585 4. 448 90 4.874 65 5.588 20 
5.82690 6.031480 6.79880 6.59105 6.850375 
1.801 20 1.70995 1.7160 1.4285 1.66730 
5. 236 85 5.3745 5.568 45 5.242 90 5.306 45 
18.88835 22.134 80 19.205000 20.576 15 19.712 30 
3.469 60 3.7566 60 3.90065 3.930 25 3.61680 
27. 174 05 27. 926 75 28.99355 32.026 90 27.8966 40 
17.824 15 16.110 65 16.7320 16.449 85 18.20095 
7.59998 25 7.913 40 6.94530 8. 47025 8.73929190 
3.486 95 3.704 35 3.283 5 3. 397 45 3.08685 
36.498 80 40.870 90 36.016 35 39.6066 90 39.6E0475 
2.189 15 2.2310 1.9870 1.780 190 2.34070 
9.51760 10.953 40 12.120 20 11.163 0 9.82525 
30.019 30 31.514 30.665 30 28.677 00 26.94580 
11.085 00 13.46255 10.879 50 11.132 70 13.64560 
3.897;0 4.94180 3.666 85 4.663 55 3.8S7770 
9.427400 11.635 60 10.3600725 10.76ö260 9.66770 
2.544 10 2.187480 3.596 60 3.083 05 2.4314700 
4. 106 75 4. 4165 3.34110 3.648 35 3.249 95 
4.1460 4.2010 090 4.307 70 3.6866 80 3.49620 
15.574160 17.38535 18.5683125 19.792 15 18.166 05 
63.9566 25 68.25385 74.18 05 72.857“70 65.360910 
16.37225 17. 148 95 13.444 15.789 40 16.594 85 
3.5599 50 3.468 80 3.9881 65 3.3406 45 3.046 75 
483.51355 520.32515 520.4%0 517.6860 60 494.978 80 
31.6320020 34.632 45 32.939 65 31.649 80 31.878 30 
16.309 05 18.821120 17.937 80 17.29275 16.579 55 
531.50260 573.778 80 571.318 35 566.623 15 543.436 65 
605.828 60 582.054 30 607.444 95 617.77530 572.486 90 
573.162500 570.009 00 581.481 00 594.76065 00 570.31200 
641.025 00 644.48400 634.764 00 631. 404 00 654.939 00 

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