Full text: Gesetz- und Verordnungs-Blatt für das Königreich Bayern. 1899. (26)

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lil J KVHHbl 44 — nl 02 
10,000 12 4,06909 9,000 6,719 81,000 *7 10,019120,000 2016,869 
von on 40, 001an 13 60,000 "„ 6, 869 82,000 „ 10, 169 130,000 5„ 18,869 
41 1,000 419961,000 „ 7.01983,000, 10,31 140/000 „ 20869 
9 * 1%, 6,00) „ 7,16090 84,000 ,„ 10,460150,000 . 22,869 
12000 432 " 3,000 „ 7,3199.985,000 10,619 5n 150,.001 en ?2t 
13,000 1 4459 6:: 0000 153s9 ¾ 06 (D210 .619 %on 150,001 an25 
1000 ,„ 4,589 61,000 # 86,000 10, 160,000 „ 25,369 
15•000 4 65,000 „ 7,619 7hb000 „ 10,9101 
5, „ 4,719 20, I - 170,000 „ 27,869 
. 00000»7,76988000»11,069 - 
40,000»4,849 .-- 180,000 „ 30,369 
— («,000»7,91989,000»11,219 
4-,000»4,979 . 190,000.32,869 
08,000(»8,06990,000»11,369. . 
48,000»5,109 « , 200000...—35,369 
« ().),000»8,21991,000»11,519. 
4s)-000»5-239 3 von 200,001 an5 
30-000 55600 70,000 , 3,3602,000 , 11,669 pon 200, 00 an v0 
— 71,000 „ 8,519 93,000 „ 11,819 210,0 000 „ 38,369 
oon 30,001 üH 72,000 8,669 94,000 , 11,960995220,000. 41,369 
51,000 „ 5,519 73,000, 8,819 95,000 I 12,119330,000»44-P69 
52,000. 5,669 74,000 „ 8,960696,000 „ 12,2600240,000 47.360 
53,000 5,819 75,000 I 9,11997,000»12,419»300-000»50-369 
E)4-000»5,969 76,000»9,26998,000»12,569-2(j0,000»53,369 
55,00), 6,.119 77,000 92419 99,000 12,7191 270,000 56, 368 
2688 » II 78,000·I, 9569 100,000 128609 20000 » ggågz 
57, » 79,000»9,719UHMWIHW 290, x— 2, 360 
5 I ———L——— 9 
38, 000 66,569 80,000 1 I 9,869«0,000»14«869 300,000 1 65, 36 
I I l 

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