Full text: Gesetz- und Verordnungs-Blatt für das Königreich Bayern. 1918. (45)

Einkommen eun- Einkommen duu- 
— dertsatz — — dertsabtt 
Stufevon bis Steuer 8 Stufel von bis Steuer 8 
mehr als einschließlich er- mehr als einschließlich #ienrr 
*“ M 9 “ % — 
735500 16,000 620 — 00 50,000 2430 — 4 
7441%0 16,500 64—44440 417 , 51, 24881—4,98 
7516,500 17,000 67o—4,0611851,000 52,000 2546 4,99 
769% 17,500 695 — 400119 000 53,000 2604 —501 
771.04„ 18,000 720 —“%%1120 O0 54,000 2662 —..502 
789,000 18,500 745 —414 541000 55,000 27205.04 
7919,500 19,000 770 —162 56,000 2778 5,05 
80 ’ 19,500 795 —418 0 57,000 2336 5006 
8119,500 20,000 820 4,214 580000 2894 5,08 
82 000 20,500 845 4,222325558, 000 59,000 2952 —5,09 
830, 500 21,000 870 —4,29000 60,000 3010 — 510 
841,000 21,500 895-6 61,000 3069 5,11 
85[21,500 22,000 920 — 428 1600 62,000 3128 5|3 
86 22,000 22,500 945 4,.330 1292,000 63,000 3187 —5.14 
87½ 500 23,000 970 4311130 000 64,000 5515 
89823000 23.500995 –331 65000 3305 3318 
8923.500 24000000 —4 60000% 51 
90 24,000 24,500 1015 — 36336 67000 3423 5 
9114,500 25,000 10704373A7,000 68,000 3482 —520 
92 25,000 26,000 1122 —449 135 69,000 3541 —521 
9326,000 27,000 1174 4.221364 P040000 3600 — 5,22 
9447,000 28,000 12260 — 4,43 71,000 3660 5.23 
95 28,000 29,000 1278 — 4.56 72,000 3720 224 
96 440 30,000 1330 — 4,59 1392,000 13,000 3780 —-—5,25 
9714 31,000 1384 —464140% 1541000 3840 —526 
99 81,000 32,000 148 —464 141 745000 75,000 3900 — 57 
99 32,000 33,000 1499— 466 1425,000 76,000 39600 — 5,28 
100 %33,00 34,000 1546— 466 77,000 4020 —529 
10„00 3,000 16000 —4%7114% 3 78,000 40860 -530 
1025,000 36,000 1654 — 4,73 190000 4140 5,31 
10336,000 37,000 17086 —¼, 74 4%70 80,000 4200 — 5,32 
1044 38,000 170o2 —,126 14180O00 8s,000 42600 — 5832 
105638,000 39,000 1819— 48 OO 82,000 4320 — 5,33 
106 39,000 40,000 1870 — 4,80 83,000 4380 5,34 
107 41,000 1926-1 83,000 84,000 4440 5,35 
108000 42,000 19832 —%83 51840000 885,000 4500 — 536 
100 0 43,000 208 —85 15285, 000 8e6,000 4560 —5.36 
110 44,000 20904 —4,875 36,000 87,000 46220 5, 37 
111144,000 45,000 2150 — ,8915 444 88,000 4680 — 5,38 
112 45,000 46,000 2206 — 4,00 88.000 89,000 4740 539 
113446,000 47,000 22602 49256 89,000 900,000 4800 — 539 
11440 48,000 2318—93 157 91000 46600 — 54 
11543,000 49,000 234 — 9 91000 92,000 4920 5,41

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