Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1853. (30)

fl. fl. fl. l. fl. 
II. Schwarzwaldkreis. 
Balingen 24,480 — 5,773 5,111 35,364 
Calw 17,934 36 6,377 4,807 29,154 
Freudenstadt 20,231 2 5,331 4,048 29,612 
Herrenberg 31,149 — 6,186. 2,575 39,910 
Horb. 22,284 43462600 3)59 31, 655 
Nagold 18,192 132 6,276 4,216 29,816 
Neuenbürg 12,646 306 4,183 2,923 20,058 
Nürtingen. .. 24,567 — 5,752 3,590 - 
Oberndorf. 18,849 12 4,673 3,120 26,654 
Reutlingge7508 383 9,9721434 49,297 
Rottenburg 31,299 7.725 3,782 4,815 
Rottweil. 30,040 — 6,037 4,560 40,637 
Spaichingen 17,330 202,694 22,471 
Sulz 21,556 41 3,692 2,492 27,781 
Tuttlingen. 23,047 79 4,194 3,754 31.074 
Tübingen 25,.219 — 9,455 6,085 40,759 
Urach 44019 3335259 65,276 4,587 
— 391,350 1,105%2335 565,553 

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