stillgestanden! attentionl'
das Gewehr auf! 'shoulder arms!'
ganzes Bataillon, rechts, links kehrt! right, left about face!“
Seitengewehr pflanzt auf! fix bayoncts.'
sertig, legt an, Feuer! read)y, present, fire 17
29. dabei, at the same time'"; noch immer still': immer
implies a continuance of a state; with a comparative, a
gradual increase, immer schlimmer worse and worse.
voll can be used, as here, with gen., especially before a
dualified subst. (sehnsüchtiger Erwartung), or with von
and the dat. With a single noun, ein Faß voll Wein, the
term. is dropped. An inflectcd form is used in the predi-
cate: das Gesicht ist voller Falten (wrinkles’'). Von is
also used atter bloß (bare of’), frei (free from), leer
(empty of.).
10. Art und Ursache, is nature and cause. Ur (— aus
out of’) expresses exfracioz, oriciz, as der Ursprung
origin’“; Urahn ancestor’“; Urbild prototype'’; uralt
very old’; urxplötzlich all of a sudden." In Urteil
verdict) and ordcaf we see the connexion between.
English and German with regard to this prefix.
. in ceinem Trabrenunen: the spaccd printing (gesperrter
Druck) of einem corresponds to the English italics and
shows emphasis.
23. das eben noch so standhafte ., the enemy's centre
but just now so steady. Sec note, p. 34 1. 2.
27. allen voran: understand stürmten from the preceding
die Zieten-Husaren. A cavahy regiment named after
General Zieten (r1600—1786), the famous Light Caralhy
commander in the Seven Vears’' War (1756—63) under
Friedrich der Grosse. Ie especially distinguished himself
at the battle of Torgau on the Elbe in r760.
29. Ulanen-Regiment: the name has a Polish origin. They
are lancers (Lanzenreiter), armed with carbines and swords.
There are twenty-five regiments of them.
1. alles .., was: sce note, p. 8 l. 2W. For cascs of was
governed by prep. wo is useck: ich denke an etwas, woran
du nicht denlst. Vor the gen. wessen use dessen: da ist
wenig, dessen sie sich rühmen (7boast’') können. For ibe
dat. dem: vieles, dem ich feind (hostile’) bin.
#. „Heil dir im Siegerkranz“: thbis fine hrme is sung to
the English National Air“ God save the King.“