The Siepmann Modern Language Texts
Each volume, I2mo. clotli. 35 cents net
The editorial conception of this series is at once high and
thorough. Each text contains sufficient matter for two terms'
stud, is interesting in its matter, literary in style, practical and
useful in its vocabulary, and instructive regarding the life and
manners of the country to which it relates. Each Introduction
fürnishes a short account of the author and his works.
The Notes give, in a dlear and concise form, such explanations
as may aid in overcoming textual difficulties and in elucidating
allusions — literary, historical, geographical, and idiomatic.
An Appendix contains word and phrase lists drawn from the
reading, and to be used in drill; ##dse exercises in syntax.
founded on and involving the vocabulary of the text; composi-
tion; and a chapter on word-formation. The pupil thus gains
linguistic knowledge. Conversational utility, and general culture,
which add life and interest to the work of the class-room.
The French series includes six texts representative of the
classical period of French literature These texts are to be
studied not only for the language, but also for the thoughts of
great men of the past; for the light they throw on the manners
and customs of a great age in the history of civilization; and
from a literary point of view, as works of art.
The texts are convenient in size and the type is excellent.
Many of them are equipped with two-color maps.
Publishers 64—66 Fifth Avenue New Tork