Norks 85
cent mausoleum containing, among others, the remains of
Königin Luise and Wuhelm I.
17. 23. nachkommen -(r) #1o come alter’ (2) co#ertake, (3) /act
up to (1) fuln.
24. zwar - in Wahrheit, and that, emphasises and particularises
a Previous statement; ich sah es, und zwar mehr als einmal
.. and that more than oncce.
„, 28. das Schlechte und Schändliche, whaterer is wicked and
disgraceful, and, farther on, das Verlorene his losses, are
- examples of adjectives used as abstract substantikes.
18. 16. einsamen Felseninsel: St. Helena, uhere he died in 1821,
and whence his remains were in 13/0 removed to the splendid-
tomb in Paris in the Hôtel des lnvalides.
24. Beruf (der) is calling“ or profession; Ruf call’ sum-
mons’ reputation.“
,. 25. unverkennbar: this adljective is compounded of un-- the
neg. prefix, verfennen o mistake, and-bar adj. termina-
tion meaning capable of Gearing, so that unverkennbar
means incapable of being mistaken.
chon im Alter von, eren at the age af when he
Was Omlr twenty years old’; cCf. note, p. 7 1. 30.
, 26. zum Öberst und Chef: note that ÖOberst remains as a
rule undeclined in the phrase zum Oberst ernannt werden.
Oberst is a gradle in ine arn’ F. viz. ihe highest (oberste) in
a regiment; Chef indicates that the Oberst actuall com-
mands a regiment.
10. r. jetzigen Königs-Grenadier-Regiments: this regiment
was named in honpur of ## Wilheim I. Zetzig is an
adjective formed from jetz now’; similarle heutig, gestrig,
morgig, bisherig, damalig, eic. from corresponding
, 5. Belle-Allianec is the name giren br the Germans to the
battle of Wuterioo, and is the spot wherc Wellington and
Blücher (“Alarschall Vorwärts’), who had proved such a
staunch ally, met at tlic end ef ihe great day June 78.
" 90. cin Armeckorps: for the composition of an army’ orps
t. ke the and, belonging to Provinz Pommern. It consists of
2 Divisionen, each Aivision of 2 Infanterie-Brigaden and
1 Kavalleric-Brigade; each Brigade of 2 or 3 Regimenter:
a Regiment of 3 Bataillone: 1 Bataillon of 4 Kom-
panien: 1 Kompanie of 3 Znge. Attached to it are 2
Artillerie-Regimenter, cach of 3 Abteilungen and its
complement ol Zäger-, Pionier-, und Trainbataillone. Eine