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Sumatra, 1819 — 1845. 2. deel. 8. ’s Hertogenbosch, Gebr. Muller.
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en bedeelden in Nederlandsch-Indie. 8. ’s Gravenhage, Gebr. J. en H.
van Langenhuijsen. (60 c.) — Het Engelsch Bestuur in Oost-Indie, ver-
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Statutes of the colleges of Oxford, with royal patents of foundations etc.
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Documents relating to the university and colleges of Cambridge. 3 vols. 8.
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Tucker, Henry St. George, Memorials of indian government: being a
selection from the papers of —. Edited by John Will. Kaye. Vol. 3. 8.
500 p. (16 8.) — Kaye, John W., The administration of the East
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Prinsep, Henry T'., The indian question in 1853. Allen. Ebds. —
India reform tracts. Saunders and Stanford. Aih., July, p. 853. —
Cameron, Charles Hay, An address to parliament on the duties of
Great Britain to India in respect of the education of the natives and
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Neil B., The land tax of India, according to the Moohummudan law.
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Cobden, Rich., How wars are got in India. The origin of the bur-
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quiry into some of the immediate causes of modern social evils. Edin-
burgh, Johnstone. Ec. Nr. 509. p. 598.
Duhait, Rene, De la demoralisation de la societe en France au 1%
siecle, suivie de l’expose d’un nouveau systeme d’ education publique
tendant ä en arr&ter les progres. 8. 4'/s f, Paris, Ledoyen, Palais-