Full text: Central-Blatt für das Deutsche Reich. Vierundzwanzigster Jahrgang. 1896. (24)

Spezifisches Gramm Volum-Speziffsches Gramm Volum- Sinsn- Gramm Volum- * Gramm Volum- 
Gewicht Alkohol Gewicht Alkohol „ Alkohol . Alkohol 
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O, 710 19,22 24,22 O, ess 21,1½27905 0% 23,% 29,200% 322 
8 19,30 24,322 s 21,51 27,4 8 23,65 29,81 8 25, 32830 
: 19,1 24,1 „ 21,#0127) : 23,2 29 : 25/ 3288 
19 24,1 6 21,0027,33 6 23,10 29,08 6 25,76 32,6 
5 193 24 5 21,76 27,4 5 23,86 30,00% 5 25,82 32,51 
4 19,600 24,70 4 21,6983 27,51 4 23,93 30,15 4 25,88 32,62 
3 19,68 24,,0 3 21,00 27,60 3s 23,09 30,3 325,95 32,70 
2 19,16 24,89 2 21,9716 2 24,06 30,2 2 26,01 32, 78 
1 19,883 24,% 1 22,058 27,8 1 24,113 30,0 126,07 32, s5 
o 19,91125,os ro 22, 27,87 o 24,,0 30,/% vo26,3 32),, 
O,90 19008 2518 O,6179 22,19 27,,096 O,9o 24,26 30,57 
8 20,08 25,27 8 22,20 2805 8 24,33 30,66 
: 20, 25, „ 22,#/ 2811 : 24, 30, 
6 20,21 „ 46 22,10 28.,23 24,466 30,82 
„ 20,28 25,56 5: 22, I 28,2 5 24,8 30,91 
4 20,36 25 4 22,5½¼28,1 4 24,0 30,00 
3 20,13 25,75 3 22,6128,50 3 24,06 31,07 
2 20,5125,8 2 22,08 28,359 1 2 24,7316 
1 20,58 25,94 1.22,15 28,61 1 24,70 31,% 
o 20,66 26,os o 22,“2 28.16 o 24,65 31, 
O, dooo0o 20,7326,13 T 0,0660 22,60 28,656% 24% 1, 
s 20,81126,22 822,96 28,91 s8 24,9931% 
7 20,688 26,31, 7 23,03 2903 7 25,05.31,57 
6 20,96 26,41 6 623, 10 29, 11 6 25,12 31,65 
5 21,03 26,50 5 23,11 29,20 5 25,1831,73 
4 21,10 26,50 1 23,2429, “ 25,55 31,81 
3 2118 23,69 s 23,31429, a 3 25,31 31,690 
2 21,%5 26,8 : 23% 29,6% 2 25,87 31,08 
1 21,3226,87 1123.5# 65% 1 25,11 32,06 
o 21,10 26,06 ro 23,52 29,64 ro 25,50 32,14 
I »F 

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