Full text: Gesetz-Sammlung für die Königlich Preußischen Staaten. 1845. (36)

à 62 Ir. 
* Rrhlr Be- Sum m a 
Bleiben stond Sucheabl drP 
Prioritätsaktien Amor-= Amorti= zu amortisiren= 3 eib 
.- » .. denslktcemPrwrttatA 
= tisa- Zinsen.ations= Mktien= 
Stück. tions- Bertrag. tal 
zahl.] Kapital. Fonds. a Kapital. 
100 NS E 
Transp. 8,290 6,550 
1502, 912312% % 4%% 4711 2866, 212 
14,689, 918,00221 73, 226 490 38812,792,9628 
14,287 892,9378 57 1111,718 76,1568 510 4022,710,537 
13,0 60, 66760 5 106673 7820i s530 42012637587 
13,131 839,1376 105, 50364% 
12,977/ S11,0026%%0%% 200 8 G6ös 67 ,52 
12,505/ 781,5026 13 —iihe 89,0926 596 472 2,380, 1626 
12,015] 7,937¼ 
11,505 19,0626410 
10,975685,937 22 87,6588 100,2108 671 530 2,091,237 
10,124¼51 ,00 %%%H 
9,552 615,750 55679, 180 10, 5 720 5721,878,650 
9,250%5 00 112529 7553 59604 0 
8,030 339,750 2364%% 03809 785 62081,048,050 
7,9901%% 81644 1526.73578 
7,320 457,500 8 61,069 126, 805 849 671,399,900 
6,023 413 937" 883 697|,268,037 
5,97 3% 502% 3So,214%% 726 1130 862 
5,143 321,4378 1831 45, 23481142, 6408 955 754 988,237 
435868272375 14% 296|1444%4% 
3,543 221,1378 44 33,5905 154,280 1,033 8154K, 637 
2,69448,375 31 27,1256%10, 419%074 8419 525,175 
8111„LS%nCOOT7) K, 113 
8955,87555ä1 4 Li62 917] 184775 
11 687 39 7,391 1180, 184 1,253 883 4,287 
. 17IZ4,248153611 
(Xr. 2390.) (Nr. 2591.)

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