Full text: Gesetz-Sammlung für die Königlich Preußischen Staaten. 1846. (37)

In Appoints à 100 Rtlhlr. In Appoints 
1sten Stuͤck- bleiben Stück- 
Ja- Amor= zohl Prioritaks-Obliga- Amortisa= zohl 
nuar tisa= der zu tionen. . ,. der zu 
des Zinsen. tions= amorti- Zinsen. I amorti- 
Jah- sirenden 4. etrag. sirenden 
res Benag)s Se- Kapital. Obliga. 
Zeis- tionen. W- ##% !sésin“u tionen. 
18481 — — —% — — 
184987,500.,7507 OO 8,750 170 
185087,0650,1859200 9,190 183 
1851/8°5,005,015 26 192 
185286, 120|10, 130 1043%3OO0,1 1, 12 76 
1853 85, 615 10,6351 106 117,017 1,701,7001 85,615. 10, 635 213 
185584,25 721717B8|1, S, 8004, 525 110,725 235 
1856 83,940 12,3101 123 16, 6651, 666,500 83,93378 12,3128) 247 
1857 83,3251 12,9251 129 16, 536 1, 653, 600 83, 320 12,930 259 
185882,80] 13,5730 10, 100/,, 640,000| 82, 6ö 7264 
185982,00 20 2OOS1, 9FI9 284 
1806081,285 %%5 1 298 
18610, 535 41710 315 
1862 79,750 16,5001 165 15,7851,578, 500 79,7528 16, 1978 330 
1863 78,925 17,3251 173 15, 6121,561, 200 78,9278 17, 3228) 347 
1864 78,060 18,1901 182 115, 430 1,543, 000 78,060 18, 190 363 
1865177, 150 19,1001 191 15,239 1,523, 900 77, 1524 ODDD 382 
1866 76, 195 20,0551 201 15, 038 1,503, 800 76, 1978 20, 052 400 
1867 75, 1900 210601 210 14826 1482 800 75. 1077 210525 423 
1868 74, 140 22,1101 221 114, 607 1,460,700 74,140 22, 110 442 
1869 73,0351 23, 2151 232 14, 375 1,437, 500 73,035 2 465 
1870 71,875 24,3751 4y 
1871170,655 25,5951 256 13,875 1,387,500 70,6556 25,595 511 
187269,375% S75%% 4 2 537 
187368,030|2220|2 323 OOICS, OSS3 258,215 565 
18374%% 20/2 6302 |s % 62 593 
1873% 110|01 11003111 O|5, 1410 30, 110 623 
187663,565,32,060527002232 07 652 
1877 é1,9503,300 33 % , 7001, 9526 2S0 
18780, 23536,0 153300 11, 687, 108, 70000, 2376 

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