Full text: Gesetz- und Verordnungs-Blatt für das Königreich Bayern. 1918. (45)

Nr. 66. 707 
Neinertrag Ertrags- Reinertrag Ertrags- 
Siufe U — Aanlage Sufe— anlage 
von mehr als bis einschl. von mehr als bis einschl. 
“t M A M M M 
77 50,000 51,000 350 126 102,000 104,000 714 
78 51,000 52.000 357 129 104,000 106,000 728 
79. 52,000 53,000 364 130 106,000 108,000 742 
60 53,000 54,000 371 131 108,000 110,000 756 
1 540000 55,000 378 182 110,000 112,000 770 
33 55.000 56,000 885 133 112,000 114,000 784 
33 56,000 57,000 392 134 114,000 116,000 798 
684 57,000 58,000 399 135 116,000 118,000 812 
"5 58.000 59,000 406 136 118,000 120,000 826 
s6 59,000 60 413 137 120,000 122,000 840 
67 60.000 61,000 420 138 122,000 124,000 854 
z8 61,000 62,000 47 139 124,000 126,000 868 
69 62,000 63,000 434 140 126,000 128,000 882 
90 63,000 64, 441 141 128,000 130,000 896 
91 64,000 65,000 448 142 130,000 132,000 910 
92 65,000 66,000 455 143 132,000 134,000 924 
93 66000 67,000 462 144 134,000 136,000 938. 
da 67,000 68,000 49 115 136,000 138,000 952 
95 (68.000 69,000 76 146 138,000 140,000 966 
96 69,000 70,000 483 147 140,000 142,000 980 
97 70,000 71,000 490 148. 142,000 144,000 994 
98 71.000 72,000 497 149 144,000 146,000 1008 
5 132000 J3000 50. 150 146,000 148000 1022 
100 13000 74,000 511 151 148,000 150,000 1036 
101 74,000 75,000 518 152 150,000 155,000 1050 
102 75.000 76,000 525 153 155,000 160,000 1085 
103 76,000 77,000 582 154 160,000 165,000 1120 
104 77,000 78,000 539 155 165,000 170,000 1155 
105 288000 79,000 546 156 170,000 175,000 1190 
106 79,000 80,000 653. 157 175,000 180,000 1225 
107 80,000 81,000 560 153 180,000 185,000 1260 
108 81,000 82,000 567 159 185,000 190,000 1295 
109 82,000 83,000 574 160 190,000 195,000 1330 
110 83,000 84,000 581 161 195,000 200,000 1365 
111 84000 85,000 588. 162 00,000 205,000 1400 
112 85,000 86,000 595 163 205,000 20,000 1435 
113 56,000 87,000 602 164 210,000 215,000 1470 
114 87,000 88,00 609 165 215,000 220,000 1505 
115 88,000 89,000 616 166 000 225,000 1540 
116 89,000 90,000 623 167 225,000 230,000 1575 
117 90,000 91,000 680 168 230,000 235,000 1610 
118 91000 92,000 637 169 235,000 240,000 1645 
119 92.000 93,000 644 170 240.000 245.000 1680 
120 93,000 94,000 651 171 245,000 250,000 1715 
121 24,000 95,000 658 172 250,000 255,000 1750 
122 95,000 96.000 665 173 000 260,000 1785 
123 96,000 7,000 672 174 260,000 265,000 1820 
124 9.000 p30000 679 175 265,000 270,000 1855. 
125 98,000 3 99,000 686 176 270,000 275,000 1890 
126 99,000 100,000 693 177 275,000 280,000 1925 
127 100, 102,000 700 178 280,000 285, 000 1960 

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