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We the undersigned chiefs of the districts
placed opposite our names below, do hereby
solemnly bind ourselves, our heirs and suc-
cessors for the purpose of mutual support
and protection to observe the following articles.
Article I.
We are agreed to unite and combine
together under the name and title of the „New
Confederacyz that is: our respective districts,
their towns and villages shall be embraced
by one united territory to be hencekorth and
hereafter known as the new confederacy.
Artiele II.
We declare that our objects are to unite
our forces and our means for the common
defence of all the districts comprised within
the said territory, to place our forces and our
means under such organisation as we Shall
deem to the best for the common good of
the people and the welfare of the confederacy.
Artiele III.
The new confederacy may be extended by
the admission of all such districts adjoining
those mentioned below when their chiefs have
made application and expressed their consent
to the articles herein mentioned.
Article IV.
We the people and chiefs of the new con-
federacy adopt the blue flag with the golden
star in the centre for our banner.
Article V.
The confederated districts guarantee that
the treaties made between them and the - Asso-
ciation Internationale du Congos Sshall be
Articele VI.
The public force of the confederacy shall
be organised at the rate of one man out of
every two men able to bear arms; of native
or foreign volunteers.
Article VII.
The organisation, the armement, equipment,
subsistance, and command of this force shall
be confided to the chief agent in Africa of the
Association Internationale du Congoe.
To the above articles which are the results
of various conventions heid between district
and district and by which we have been en-
abled to understand the common wish, we
sovereign chiefs and others of the Congo
district herebp append our names pledging
ourselves to adhere to each and every articie.
The chiefs of the following districts have put
their mark opposite their names, those amongst
them, who had already abondoned their sove-
reign rights to the Association Internationale
du Congo, renewing by the present agreement
their former engagements.
(Es folgen die Namen von 56 Häuptlingen.)
From inqduiries made on the spot, and
bersonal acquaintance, with the Congo chiefs
between Viri and Isangila, I certify my belief
in the genuineness of the present act of con-
federation beyond Isangila, and thence to the
Stanley Pool, my secretary Mr. Delmar Morgan,
.acting in my name, as „administrateur dé-
Zégué-, bears testimony that the chiefs have
readily adhered to it and attached their marks
as signatures.
Londres, le 13 mars 84.
(s.) F. G. Goldsmid, major general
ci-devant administrateur délégué
de I’Asscciation internationale.
We, the undersigned chiefs, members of the
„New confederacy“ delegate to thc = Association
Internationale du Congo= authority to repre-
sent us before tbe several states ol Europe.
The chiefs of the following districts have
put their mark opposite their names:
Ntombo, Banza Kimbuko, Ngoyo, Lemba,
Ngombe, Mpangu.
Icerlify that the above signatures were
taken in my presence and readily affixed:
also that to the best of my belief, the whole
of the chiefs who have up to this date, signed
the separate act of confederacy, would have
signed this delegation also, had the question
been put before them.
London 13th march 1834.
Mr. Morgan was acting for me, and under
my) instructions when taking these signatures.
(s.) F. G. Goldsmid
Major General
Late admin. general African Intern.
E. Delmar Morgan.
Dem Gedanken, die A. I. C. als Repräsen-
tantin einiger Dorfschulzen des Kongo bei den
verschiedenen Staaten Europas erscheinen zu