Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1846. (23)

Stand der Gemeinden. Vergleichung. BVerwendet auf 
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ha Schlber u. Summe Ucberschuß. Desteit. Krnen, E#5 #rt hann * * Gebau- von 
#I#tspflege. Rücsstände.Haslsiven. baͤuden 2c. bäude von den, Eüitern, hsnuanen 
# s644. 1844. 1844. 1844. 44 1% % %% 1% 
—1 , 686 65,61 N37,1 6,450 2,12524,434 9,.5882,324 
— 1,00825 9,530 9,426 1,5544 4,055 330 
— 4,.243 6290 21,847 7,035 2,017 J 40,902 15,019 1, 288 
— 4,0010 513 4,248 1,125 17,265 4,571 3,143 
— 3,373 213,150336,70642,476 15,037 1,309 20,679 1,328 2,991 
— 10,847 180,847 J 47, 608 77,187 16,100 817 205893 16,410 1,098 
— 11,651235, 406 6632205 1,2600 5621 52, 386 48 
— 11,516 34,372 J 223, 287 2,3421 8082y42 11,190 1.724 
— 4.3050 14,432 4,551 3,688 8,671 5,148 13,693 
— 5,062 07,871139°,985, 269 11,839 4,221 2,830 17,170 1,838 
— 665 19,730 165, 830 441 44,038 847 11,886 5,948 811 
— 7,186 185,459 96,592 110,549 13,826 4, 77302 11,599 7,605 
— 1,2607 151, 207 2,001 101,367 4 4402 32,794944 — 
— 5,750 75,549 76,219 34,615 26,169 1,2863,080 792223 
— 3,31298,337|106, 1226 35,678 5,299 812 17,109 6,1444,% 
— 4,708 20,9734080 3,087 4,373 2,381 8,843 4,620 1,694 
— 4,0680%%1, 5418 21, 505 2,777 3,207 4,944 4 353 5,055 
— —— —.— 
1— 86,819 1,620,840,963, 1278,20 205 01,801 

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