Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1848. (25)

— — 
1 e 2 r 3 · 4. 
1 1,000000 2,040000 3,121600 1246464 
2 2,000000 4,080000 6,243200 8492928 
3 3,000000 6,120000 9, 36400 12,739392 
4 4,000000 8,160000 12, 486400 16,985856 
5 5,000000 10,200000 15,608000 21,232320 
6 6,000000 12,240000 18.729600 25, 478784 
7 7,000000 14,280000 21,851200 29,72524 
8 8,000000 16,320000 24,972800 33971712 
9 9,000000 18,300000 28,094400 38,218176 
9. 10. 11. 12. J 
1 10,582795 12,006107 13,486351 15,025805 
2 21,105590 24,012214 26,972703 30,051611 
3 31.748386 36,018321 40. 459054 45,0774/6 
4 42,331181 48,02442 53,945405 00,103222 
5 52,913976 60,030535 67,431757 75,129027 
6 63,400772 72,036643 80,918108 90,15483 
7 74,079567 84,042750 94, 404460 105, 18063 
8 84,662362 96,048857 107,890811 120,2064 
9 95,245158 108,054964 121,377162 135,2322# 
· · rx 2 * 4 
1 23,697512 25,645413 27,671229 29, 77807 
2. 47, 395025 51,290826 55,342459 59,556151 
3 71,029537 76,936238 83,013688 80,334 
4 94, 79004 102,581651 110,084017 118,11231 
5 118,487562 128,227064 13,356147 14889039 
6 112,185074 153,672477 106,027370 178,06847| 
7 165,882587 179,517890 193,098600 208 44666 
8 189,580099 205,163303 221,369835 238,2246 3 
9 213,277011 230,808716 249,041064 208,00270

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