Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1860. (37)

si. fl. fl. fl. fl. 
III. Jaxrtkreis. 
Aalen 20,679 115,2906 4213 30,189 
Crailsheim 26,129 68 4,355 4,191 34,743 
Ellwangen 36,320 5 6,178 5,474 47,977 
Gaildorf 27,132 — 3,630 2,503 33,265 
Gerabronn 55,085 1 6,219 4)756 66,961 
Gmünd 24,837 1 ,.158 3 7,015 37,011 
Hall 45,478 4,802 6,783 5,525 62,588 
Heidenheim. 34,962 — 8,620 7,503 51,085 
Künzelsau 40,917 — 6,268 4,847 52,032 
Mergentbeim. 47,593 — 6,647 5,035 59,275 
Neresheim 31,941 24 4,691 3,600 40,256 
Oehringen 560,171 — 7,788 4,798 68,757 
Schorndorf 23,591 — 6,067 3,164 32,822 
Welzheim. 21,887 190 3,811 2,214 28,102 
— 493,622 5,002 81,5114 645,063 

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