Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1863. (40)

II. Schwarzwald- "6 " n" nt s 
Balingen 28,214 — 6,460 5,902 40,576 
Calw. 20,536 69 7,050 5,405 33,069 
Freudenstadt 23,438 23 5,300 4,550 33,317 
Herrenberg 35,830 7 6,856 2,652 45,345 
Horb 25,575 82 6,940 3,011 35, 608 
Nagold 22,379 38 6,942 4,592 33,951 
Neuenbürg 14.812 230 4,730 4,156 23,928 
Nürtingen. 28,124 — 6,399 4,114 38,637 
Oberndorf. 21,693 4 5,154 3,865 30,716 
Reutlingen 31,561 390 11,646 13,021 56,618 
Rottenburg 35,992 13 8,854 4,467 49.326 
Rottweil. 34,573 — 6,706 4,632 45,911 
Spaichingen. 19,9085 — 3,069 2,423 25,477 
Sulz 24,847 — 4,051 2,486 31,384 
Tuttlingen. 26,632 — 4,689 4,391 35,712 
Tubingen. 28,962 39 10,438 6,039 45, 478 
Urach 27,512 — 6,108 6,488. 40,108 
— 450,665 895111,4072,194 645,161 

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