Full text: Regierungsblatt für das Königreich Württemberg vom Jahr 1879. (56)

swss 3“¼ ;5 S. t-. 
Mark. Mark. Mark. Mark. Mark. 
III. Jaxtkreis. 
Aalen 45,761 — 17,892 21,085 84,7 38 
Crailsheim 58,045 125 20,351 16,032 94,553 
Ellwangen. 800,751 9 23,489 17,174 121,423 
Gaildorf 59,760 — 44550 8,4408250 
Gerabronn 125,446 1 26,178 14,422 166,047 
Gmünd. 55,468 — 25,849 32,349 113,666 
Hall. 101,815 — 32313 23277 1574 
Heidenheim 78,178 — 33,963 38570 150,711 
Künzelsau. 91,833 — 19,676 15,912 127,421 
Mergentheim. 105,942 — 26,378 17,646 149,966 
Neresheim 71,536 34 17,087 14,175 102,832 
Oehringen. 125,465 — 26,598 12,922 164,985 
Schorndorf. 52,606 — 14,902 10,653 78,161 
Welzheim 48,706 422 1,96 65,184% v0.8 
— 1,101,311 591 14,322 248,841 1,665,066 

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