29. 16. Otto von Bismarck-Schönhausen: see note, p. 38 1. 3.
„27. sei . . sei .. tönne . . eigne: these subjunctives
indicate the quoted opinion of the king and Bismarck and,
as usual, are in the tense employcd by the speakers.
, 31. man könne .lassen, # beginning might certainl) be
made by letting Europe kuow it“; immer gives a tone of
encouragement and assufancc.
also „tapfer drauf los!“ therefore, boldly about it#17
Friedrich VII. died in November 1863. Prince Christian
#of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, husband of
the granddaughter of Christian VIII. of Denmark, succecded
with the title of Christian IX. Bismarck's policy, here
narrated, was doubtless influenced by bis desire to obtain
Kiel, the future great naval harbour of Germany.
,, 20. Garde-Infanterie-Division: this is one of the threc
Divisions of the Garde-Corps; two of them are infantry
and one cavalry.
gegenüber S., over against S.#;: 1. 20 der Tapferkeit.
gegenüber in the presence of the bravery . .
31. 13. einerlei Ansicht waren, were unanimous.“ This gen.
is used with sein, bleiben, scheinen, werden, e. .:—
guter Dinge sein to be of good cheer.“
du bist des Todes thou am a dead man.“
ich bin willens I intend.
and adverbially with leben and sterben:—
des Glaubens leben und sterben 'to live and die in the
Hungers sterben #to die of hunger.“
,, 22. Macht= und Besitzvergrößerung: thebyphen (Bindestrich)
is used to show that the second Ccomponent in the compound
belongs also to Macht, hence an increase in the power and
territory (of Prussia).“
hätte .. können: sce p. 12 U 20 and p. 20 1. Zo. Idioms
with Spiel:—
einen ins Spiel ziehen to implicate some one in sg.“
im Spiele sein 'to share in.'
aufs Spiel setzen to stake.“
die Hand im Spiel haben to have a finger in the pie.“
gewonnenes Spiel haben to be sure ol the game.
„ 31. Recke properly means ' soldier of fortune "stranger' eile.
and is connecicd with Engl. 20zc It denotes now
vvaliant hero.“
32. 3. seiner Zeit, in its time, gen. of indef. time, as dieser
Tage one of these days, mittlerweile meanwbhile,“
heutigen Tages nowadays.
? 2