Full text: Wilhelm der Siegreiche.

XOTESs 93 
Page LIXE 
32. 8. 
Hannover, Sachsen, Kurhessen: Hanorer was orl#n lly 
ur4—337) under British r#; from 156-+äf a. % of 
Queen Vicoria) to 1866 undr constitur u#mal en rchr. 
In 1866 George V., tLle band lng, forfened h'is crown and 
Hanover became a pre#vinc of Drussla. 
Sachsen is a king#m on lle Elle with Dresden for uts 
Kurhessen, now Hessen-Kassch, forms the di#irict (Regie- 
rungsbezirk) Kassch of ihe Pro#nce Hessen-Jassau. 
. risfiert: borrowed from Fr. v. %%% Wwhich in tirn is derived 
from Span. u#ico rcf hence per’l.) The Cerm. equiwa- 
lent aufs Spiel setzen, wagen. 
. so ist .. gesagt, that does not mean aster all. 
ließ kommen, sent for; s0— 
sagen lassen to send word to.“ 
holen lassen to send for.“ 
einen gewähren lassen to let one go his own wax. “ 
laßt's gut sein! neber mind. 
des Generalstabes: tlus is a bodr of the hignest milltary 
authorities appointed for organisation of the armr, the 
training of rommanders, and the conduct of war. 
Freiherr: Heimuth Karl Eernard von Alolte (r800—0.7), 
ihe greatest strategist Cf his t1ime, planned the campaigns 
of 1866 and 1870-71. 
Langensalza, on the R. Salza, is the district town (Kreis- 
stadt) of Erfurt. 
hieran = daran = an dem: the an (with dat.) is the pre)p. 
required after verhindern. 
. Kurfürst, elector. The first component Kur comcs from the 
verb küren (Engl. c: it vas P#t of te title of ih 
JFürsten who had the right lo elceci ine ELmperor. Hessen- 
Kassel did not obtain the tune 11 1303, and u##s the onlfj. 
one to retain u (till 18661 after ine dissolution (Auflösung) 
#f the German Empire in 1806 (Franz II.). 
Generalfeldzeugmeister, Fiellmarshal-Cenerall. In 
Austria, Feldzeugmeister seems to correspond to our Ilaior-- 
General; elsebere it would denote Alaster of Ordnance. 
. v. Benedel (1804-381) distinguished himself in 1859 at 
. 3Z.= seiner Zeit: cf. r D. 321. 3. 
Gitschin: in E. Bohemia (BZöhmen!. 
war es doch . 6# ne. p. 3 I1. 7. 
sei, habe, wolle: for le subj. see note. P. 7 I. 4.

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