about 9 inches. lt is used for a brief space, and also for a
brief space of time.
36. r#. Sadowa: a rillage not tar from Königgrätz in Bohemia
(Böhmen). Königgrätz is a fortress at the junction of the
Adler and the Elbe. The battle has been namecl after both
„ 15. Sprühregen, drizzle. also = Staubregen ( dust rain!).
Ein Regenguß dowßnpour’; ein Platzregen smart shower!::
Betteljungen regnen to rain cats and dogs’; Fr. tomber
der hallebardes.
28. auf die . Höhe: see note. p. 2 l. 27.
37. 9. Granatfeuer, shell-fre.. Granaten were sheils filled
with a bursting charge (Sprengladung) and exploded by
à fuse (Zünder). Kartätschen, grapeshot, filled with hullets
(Kugeln) and used at ranges not exceeding soo Jarcs.
Schrapnel or Granatkartätschen combined the Spreng-
ladung of the Granate with the Kugeln of the Kartätsche.
They are exploded by a time-fuse (Zeitzünder).
, 13. in Plänklerketten ausfgelöst, in skirmishing order.'
, 15. todesmatt, dead-beal, for todmatt. Cf. todbleich or
totenbleich deadly pale todmüde dead tired. totkrank
dangerously ill, and the phrase es ist zum totlachen it
is emnough to make one die of laughing.“
„ 28. lassen Sie nur! lei be’' dontft interfere. Cf.—
laß es gut sein! never mind.
laß mich zufrieden! leaye me in peace.
laß das Spaßen! a truce to joking.
lassen Sie sich Zeit! take Four time.
einen grüßen lassen to send kind regards to some one.
„ 29. da ist nichts zu machen, there is nothing 16 be done, im-
Plying here that Bismarck will not be able to imduce the king
to leave his dangerous place. Transl. never mind. Cf.
ich mache mir nichts daraus I don't care for ## lassen
Sie mich nur machen! just let me have myF own War.#
38. 1. zu Befehl, Majestät! res, Four Alajesty# ! bis auf
weiteren Befehl till further orders.
,, 3. Ministerpräsident was the title Bismarck held as Prime
Alinister in Prussia; in 1867 he became Chancellor of
the North German Confederation, and in 1871 Imperial
Chancellor (Reichskanzler): in 1800 he retired from public
life to Friedrichsruhe, where he died im 1808.
. 4. Ew. is the abbreriation for Eure (or Euer). Se., Sr. sor
Seine, Seiner.
, 16. halt! halt !’Some other words of Ccommand are—
rührt euch! stand at ease!7