43. 1.
Valued offensive weapon. This is the German gerundive,
formed from the use of the German act. inf. after sein, bleiben
in a passive sense: z. B. diese Waffe ist nicht zu unter-
schätzen this weapon is not to be deprcciated’; see note, p. 5
1. 24.
Königreich Spanien: in 1833 Ferdinand VII., King of
Spain, died, and his daughter Isabella was proclaimed Queen
to the exclusion of a male successor (the Salic law had been
abolished in r830), Don Carlos, whose supporters were called
Carlists. Civil war followed and the Carlists were subdued
in 1840. Gradually the rule of Isabella became more and
more unpopular, and in 1868 a successful insurrection, under
General Prim, resulted in the flight of Isabella 10 France, the
establishment of a Republic, renewed efforts of the Carlists,
a temporary occupation of the throne (1870—73) by Prince
Amadeus of Savoy, and finallv in the proclamation at Macbrid
#f Alphonso XlII. in 1874 as king. Alphonso XII. died in
1885 and his son Alphonso Xlll. is now (rooz) King of
Spain, while his mother, Oueen Maria Christina, is Regent.
f#:l. nun war Häuschen: d. h. (das heißt), er verlor die
Fassung o- die Ruhe, er war außer sich he lost his self
command’ he was beside himsell.“ In this figure of speech
Häuschen is regarded as the abode of the mind.
l er möge untersagen, 1to be pleased to forbid.“ This
is the form that a request or crommand takes in indirect speech.
In the case of a command solle could also be employed—e. g.
tell him to come’ sagen Sie ihm, er solle kommen.
Ems, on the Lahn, a tributary of the Rhine, is a favourite
resort (Badeort) in the division (Kreis) ol Unterlahn ol the
district (Regierungsbezirk) of Wiesbaden, in Hessen-Nassau,
one os the eleven provinces of Prussia.
f!I. dem König fremd: they said that the matter was of
no interest whatever to the king. Würde (or werde) in
direct speech would be wird, and so with the other subjunctives
in the passage.
u. noch lange nicht, lar from'’; die Arbeit ist noch lange
nicht fertig the work is not near done.
.l entrüstet über (+occ), indignant at.' Similarly weinen
über 'tocry at“; murren über to grumble at’; sich freuen
über to rejoice at'“; sich wundern über to wonder at’;
beleidigt über affronted at.) These verbs express mental
ich hätte for daß ich . hätte. The imperfect subj. is used
because habe would be identical with the indicative.