Full text: Wilhelm der Siegreiche.

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45. 3. Lande: lands, territories or dominions (taken as 2/6%%, 
I I. 
but as divisions die Länder Europas. Both forms are 
plural of das Land and eremplify the two possible plurals 
of neut. moncosyllables; das Wort, das Tuch, das Band, 
das Ding, das Licht have similar double plural forms 
with slightly different meanings. 
fl. Ludwig II. von Bayern, Otto Friedrich Wilhelm (r8.15— 
860, the patron of Richard W’agner, was the chief proposer 
#of the Imperial title, der Deutsche Kaiser, for Wilhelm I. 
In subsequent Fears his strange manner of life raised suspicions 
of mental derangement (Geistesstörung), which were medically 
confirmed in r886. In the same Fear the unfortunate king 
was drowned in the Starnberger See. His brother 
Luitpold had been appointed Prince-Regent only three days 
before the king’s death. 
l- ordneten . an, ordered their forces to be placed on a 
wieder, a second time, as in the war 0f 1866. 
Prinz Friedrich Karl, the Red Prince, was a nephew of 
Wilhelm I. and died in 1885. 
Steinmetz, Karl Friedrich von (1796—1877), was in all the 
campaigns of the centurr and commanded (befehligte) the 
first army at Spicheren and Gravelotte. In consequence of 
Da serious mistake at Grarelotte he was recalled (abberufen) 
and made governor of Posen, 1870. Hebecame Fieldmarshal 
in 1871. 
Saarlouis: a fortress on the Saar, a tributary of the Alosel, 
in Prussia in the Regierungsbezirk Trier. 
Landau: a fortress 1688—18771, now a Bezirksstadt in the 
Palatinate (die Rheinpfalz). 
dadurch erreicht werden, daß;: see p. 271 1. 28 and note, 
P. O . 4. 
als wolle angreifen, or als wenn (ob) der Feind 
hier angreifen wolle: see note, P. 15 1. 17. 
. Lulu: the nickname by which Napoleon III.’s onl)y son, 
Napoléon Eugene Louis Jean Joseph, was kuo#n. Born in 
1856 and killed im the Zulu War of 1870. 
l- er ließ . schreien, he ordered to be .'; lassen like 
the French Jize is followed by the act. inf. 
Saarbrücker: this is really a gen. plur. of the inhabitants 
#f Saarbrück,’ and is therefore invariable. In Common use 
are die Dresdener Gallerie, das Heidelberger Faß, die 
Hamburger Nachrichten, die Londoner Brücke, die Spicherer 
Höhen (p. 47 1 5), die Pariser Besatzung (p. 60 1. 2).

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