49. 12. nun erst: for erst see note, p. 151. 19, and note the use of
nun sor now' when relation to past events is indicated;
jetzt has no such reference, e.g. ich habe mein Ver-
sprechen (’(promise’) erfüllt, nun erfüllen Sie das Ihrige
und thun Sie es jetzt!
dachte er daran, zu nehmen,: see note, p. 9 I. 4.
14. auf Meilenweite hinaus, tor miles away“; such com-
binations of prep. with hin (away’) and her ('towards’)
are very common: von England her, nach Frankreich hin,
zum Fenster hinaus, vom Anfang her (7“ from the very
beginning'), auf Ihr Wort hin ( on your word.).
U, 19. ließ er sich berichten: lit. he ordered the reporting to
himself’“; berichten implies to give a detailed account
(generally in writing), whereas melden (1. 8) is #to notify
a fact’ (generally by word of mouth); ein Posten meldet,
was er beobachtet hat an outpost reports what he has
observed’; ein Berichterstatter a ne#spaper-reporter.
P, 26. verbringen, or zubringen, to spend time’; ausgeben to
spend moner.
„, 30. LCalt es doch: see note, p. 3 I. 7.
50. 2. Marschall Bazaine (1871—88) fought in the Crimean
War (Krimkrieg) and in Alexico. In OCctober 1870 he
surrendered with his whole army at Metz, was in 1873 con-
demned by the French as a traitor, escaped from captirity im
the island of St. Alarguerite, and passed the rest of his life at
8. Kronprinzen von Sachsen: Albert, ihe eldest son of
King John of Saxony, an able soldier, ommanded the 4th
Army (Maas-Armce) at Sedan and before Paris. In 1873
he succeeded to the throne of Saxony and still lives (1902),
the last survivor of the heroes of the great war.
11. Bar-le-Duc, on the Ornain, capital of the Department of
La Nleuse. The king was familiar wih the region he was
now traversing, though it was more than fifty years (18714)
since he had marched with the allied sovereigns towards Paris.
P, 16. schwenkten nach rechts: This operation was one of the
most wonderful episodes of modern war, Carried out dexter-
ously, smartly, without confusion and with amazing speed.
(A. Forbes.)
18. Beaumont: a village twelve miles S. of Sedan, from which
the French were driven over the Mleuse.
„ 21. Sedan: on the Aleuse, close to ihe Belgian fronticr, sur-
rounded by the obsolete fortißcations of Vauban. The