Full text: Wilhelm der Siegreiche.

popular in France, for Prussia's victory over Austria was 
considered by the French as equal to a defeat of France 
itself. Occasion for serious friction between the two 
countries came in 1870, when the Spaniards offered the 
throne of their country to the eldest son of Prince Anton 
von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen. Japoleon requested the 
King of Prussia through his ambassador, Count Benedetti, 
to interdict the prince from accepting the crown oflered 
him. This King W’illiam naturally refused to do, but the 
difficulty of the duestion seemed to be overcome uhen the 
news arrived that the Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen 
had refused Spain's offert Howerer, France was not 
satisfied with this solution, and demanded that the King 
#0f Prussia should pledge himself for the future also under 
no circumstances to allow a Prince of Hohenzollern to 
accept the crown of Spain. King William replied that 
he had no right to interfere in the matter, and that he 
could not give any pledges regarding his future actions. 
When Benedetti requested another audience, he received 
the answer that the king had nothing further to say in the 
matter. This reply was taken as an insult br the French, 
and on July 16 war was declared against Prussia. The 
king at once proceeded to Berlin and ordered the mobilisa- 
tion of the army. The allied South Cerman sovereigns 
did the same, and by the end of July hostilities began. 
VIII (pp. 45-50) 
On July 28 the Emperor Napoleon reached Metz. On 
the following morning he assumed the command ef the 
army of the Rhine. The Cerman army was not Fet ready, 
but Napoleon hesitated to inrade Germany. JNot until 
August 2 did the French make an attack upon Saar- 
brücken which was occupied by three companies of the 
4oth regiment, amounting to about 800 men, supported 
by two light guns and about 290 cavalry. The Prussians 
resisted for three hours and then evachuated the town. 
Napoleon sent the Empress a telegram, in which he

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