Full text: Wilhelm der Siegreiche.

Pase LINE 
3. 3. den Altesten, aldermen, a title of honour given to magi- 
2 . 
strates in Prussia. 
im weißen Saal: a large hall in the RCFal Palace, con- 
taining statues of tlhe twelre Electors (Kurfürsten) okt 
war doch . bewußt: Weisse (Cerzaz Cranzb) con- 
siders this a dependent clause with a conjunction omitted 
(ef. wäre ich da gewesen if I had veen there’); hence 
the position of the verb. Translate it eitber. for surely 
every one was aware Or was noet every one aware?' For 
similar construction see— 
hallten diese Worte doch im ganzen Land wieder 
(p. ro l. 24). 
war es doch keine Kleinigkeit gewesen (p. 33 1. 25). 
galt es doch . (p. 40 I. 30). 
war ihm doch nur zu gut bekannt (p. ös 1. 23). 
war es doch weltbekannt (p. 68 1 18). 
verrät, betrays, is à good example of one of the forces of 
ver- in Ccomposition, viz. zer##ers#zoz; raten (OE. rede) ’to 
advise'“; verraten to adrise wrongly betray’; similarly 
leiten to lead’; verleiten to mislead’; führen and ver- 
führen etc. Notice also that he advises'= er rät (not rätet), 
and the similar forms, er birst, er brät, er sicht, er flicht, 
er gilt, er hält, er schilt, er tritt, in which the final t of 
the zrd sing. pres. is Contracted with the t of the stem. 
einmal, for once just, usuallyproncunced with the 
accent on the second syllable. Cf. p. 151. 8 reite einmal 
zurück! p. 171. zo noch einmal. 
glänzend: pres. part. used adverbially, as reizend schön 
scharmingly beautiful“: auffallend ähnlich strikingl 
like and (past part.) entschieden besser decidedly better.“ 
ja gives an explanation of a previous statement without fear 
#f Contradiction and can be rendered b Frou must allow' 
ou surelyr know Fou see’#0f course. In this passage to 
explain the prevailing melancholr, it is stated as an un- 
deniable fact that all the people kne etc.“ 
Ct. p. 4 1. 244 Delbrück war ja sein Lehrer. 
And other egxamples, p. 19 I. 12 nay’), p. 31 Il. 6, p. 48 
1. 25, p. 57 1. 25. 
geschlagen war: this implies a state not an action, the 
result and not the dealing of the wound. 
Cf. p. 3 U. 17. 20 getäuscht wurde and erwidert wurden which 
are imperf. of the true passive, and imply an action and nor

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