Full text: Wilhelm der Siegreiche.

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Wwould like’: er möchte am liebsten nichts thun he 
would like best to do nothing. 
11. 2. zum Zeichen, as a token’; zu cexpresses the purpose or 
destination, as zum Geschenk as a present“; zum Spaß 
lor a joke’; zum Zeitvertreib as a pasume. 
Stein und Hardenberg: finance and civil administration 
were the first durties of Stein, and when Japoleon had enforced 
the retirement of that “ first statesman of Germany, Harden- 
berg, in many respects the prototrpe of Bismarck, came into 
0" flice as State Chancellor. (Forbes.) 
im Sinken begriffen: ck. p. r5 1. 25 im Weichen be- 
griffen, similarly im Bau begriffen; this p#st part.of begreifen 
has the sense of czgpagen zz, as in the above three examples, 
to be setting, to be retiring, in the course of building.' 
Entzweiung mit Rußland: in 1810 Fapoleon was at 
the height of his power; in that Jgear he annexged Holland, 
the Hanseatic towns, Bremen, Lübeck, Hamburg, together 
with Oldenburg, the mother-Tcountry (Stammland) of the 
Russian reigning House. But t was the Continental 
System'“ (Kontinentalsperre) that especially caused the 
duarrel (Entzweiung) with Russia. 
der General York, the aquiet, cool (unverfroren) man, 
who did not meddle with politics, refused obedience (den 
Gehorsam auffündigen) to the order that he should aid in 
Covering the French retreat, and. further, made an agreement 
#f neutrality with the Russian general. 
kaum . als or kaum so, no sooner than.'“ The 
first als is connected with kaum, ihe sccond als = than after 
the comparative nichts Eiligeres nothing more urgent.' 
Breslau on the Oder, capital of Silesia (Schlesien), whither 
Scharnhorst and Blücher had already preceded the king. 
erklärte er . den Krieg, ldeclared war against the 
indirect obj. of ihe recipiem; similarly man drohte ihm 
den Tod he was threatencc with death’; wir winkten 
ihm ein Lebewohl zu #iee waved him a farewell.“ 
das eiserne Kreuz was founded Nlarch ro. 1813 for dis- 
rinction (Auszeichnung) in lbe 1. dur. g tlia var of 1813, 
1314, 1815 and was renewed for the war of 1870-71. In 
1813 there were on it a crown, F. V., an oak-leas and 1813; 
in 1870 a crown, W., 1870. There are two classes of this 
decoration: ihe first class is worn on the left breast, the 
second class with a black and white ribbon in the button 
hole. It corresponds to our V.C. 

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