cooked’; hence its adr. force of quite': ganz und gar
nicht al'sclutely not, and the phrese einem den Garaus
machen #to deal one a finishing stroke (doscb 4e l .
27. 8. Saarbrücker Kohlenbecken (or Schichten strata·'): tl###
centre of the coal-measurcs of Germany, near Saarbrück on
the Saar.
, 16. Sanssouci bei Potsdam: the ro#yal residence, not far
from Berlin, near Potsdam, built 1715—T7. the farourie
resert of Friedrich der Grosse and Friedrich Wilhelm III.
28. 4. Gesinnung: ge= as a prefix forms substt. (neuter as a
rule) denoting collectiveness, and corresponds to Ensgl. co-,
col-, cont-, con-, as das Gestirn constellation.' die Gemeinde
community'; therefore die Gesinnung - collection of dis-
Positions of the mind, i.e senliments' principles.'
7. Königsberg: see note, p. 1 I. 10.
„ 16. Schleswig und Holstein: the scouthern part of the-
Danish Peninsula, with a population chieflr Cerman.
22. dürfen originally meant to need (now bedürfen with gen.),
as still seen in dialects with nicht, kaum, nur: Sie dürfen
nur klingeln Fou need onlr ring’; it has now the forcee
Of be allowed, and in imperf. subj. dürfte = might verr
possibly': er dürfte es gehört haben he might rer
possibIy have heard i#.“’ Cf. in 1. 20 abgefeuert werden
dürfe ( would be allowed.).
„, 24. der Deutsche Bund: this was a confederation of the
German States founded im 181xz, and consisted originallr of
thirty-five states and four free ciies. The General Assembly
(Allgemeine Versammlung or Plenum) disposed of serent#
Vvotes and decided questions of laws, peace, and war as
affecting the whole bodt. The Bundesheer was composcd.
of ten army -Corps, about Jo0.000 men. The diet
(Bundestag) met till 1866 at Frankfurt a. Al. under the
presidency of Austria. In 1866 ther movred to Augsburg
and there held their last session (Sitzung) on August 21.
„ 30. Mochte . wollte, look at the matter as he would’; cf.
note, p. 10 1. 22.
29. 4. Kriegsminister von Roon: Albrecht Theodor Emil.
Graf von R. (1803—70), successful as a soldier and mimister uf
military and naral affairs, became a Fieldmarshal an!
Prussian Ministerpräsident in 1873.
„H 6. Abgeordnetenhause, Chamber of Deputies, is the Second
Cbamber in the Prussian State and corresponds to the
English House of Commons. The House of Lords= das