Full text: Zeitschrift für die gesammte Staatswissenschaft. Neunter Band. Jahrgang 1853. (9)

308 Bücherschau, 
dessen Heermeisterthums Sonncnburg oder der Ballei Brandenburg. 8. 
II, 162 S. Berlin, Decker. (27 Ngr.) 
Klingsmill, Jos., Missions and missionaries historically viewed. 8. 
554, p. (12 s.) 
Politische und sociale Persönlichkeiten. 
Stirling, W., The cloister life of the Emperor Charles V. 2. ed. 8. 331 p. 
(8 s.) — Deutsch: von A. Kaiser. 8. XXX, 335 $. Leipzig, T. O. 
Weigel. (t Thlr.) Qu. Rev. CLXXX111, 107. 
Montgelas, M. J. v., Briefe. Hg. von Julie v. Zerzog. 8. XVI, 1365. 
Regensburg, München, Finsterlin. (1 Thir.; 1fl. 45 kr. rh.) = Stich- 
ling, G. Th., Ernst Christian August Freihr. v. Gersdorff, Weimar. 
Staatsminister. 8. 75 S. Weimar, Hofbuchdruckerei. (!/s Thlr.) C. B. 
Nr. 11. — [Hölder, J.,] Das Leben Adolf Schoder's. 8. 48$. Stutt- 
gart, Göpel. (!/s Thlr.; 18 kr. rh.) 
Jones, Eminent characters of the english revolutionary period. 8. 240 p. 
(10 5. 6 d.) — Devereux, Walter Bourchier, Lives and letters of 
the Devereux, earls of Essex, in the reigns of Elizabeth, James I., and 
Charles I. 15401646. Arh., Jan., p. 78. — Buckingham and 
Chandos, Duke of, Memoirs of the court and cabinets of George the 
Third from original family documents. 2 vols. 480 p. London, 
Hurst & Blackett. (30 5.) Ath., Febr., p. 183, 221. — Qu. Rev. CLXXXIV, 
421. — Corder, Susanne, Life of Elizabeth Fry. Compiled from 
her journal, as edited by her daughters, and from various other sources. 
8. 660 p. (8-.) — Francis, G. H., The right hon. d’Israeli, M. P. 
A critical biography. Ed. Rev. CXCVIII, 420. 
Stocqueler, J. H., The life of field- marshal the duke of Wellington. 
2 vols. With illustrations. 8. (vol. 2. 360 p.) London, Ingram, Cooke, 
and Co., Strand. (vol. 2. 6 s.) Ath., Febr., p. 185.; Ec. Nr. 494. 
p. 179. — @ilbert, John, A memoir of the duke of Wellington. In 
four books. 12. 282 p. (2s.6.d.) — Phillips, Charles, Histori- 
cal sketch of Arthur duke of Wellington. 8. 30 p. (1 s) — Life of 
Wellington. By „an old soldier.“ Compiled from the materials of 
Maxwell, and continued by an eminent author: with an accouut 
of the funeral. With 16 engravings on steel. 8. 510 p. Bohn’s 
illustrated-library. (5 s.) — Three years with the duke of Wellington ; 
or Wellington in private life. By an Ex-Aide-de-Camp. 8. 272 p. 
(10 s. 6 d.) — Maurel, Jules, Le duc de Wellington. 8. Bruxelles. 
— Dasselbe englisch: 8. London. Qu. Rev. CLXXXIV, 507. 
Schwartzenau, Sir. Frhr. v., Der Konnetable Karl von Bourbon. Bil- 
der aus seinem Leben und seiner Zeit. Mit 2 Plänen. 8. VII, 247 S. 
Berlin, Besser’sche Buchh. (1 Thlr. 10 Sgr.) C. B. Nr. 11. 
Breval, Jules de, Mazzini juge par lui-m&me et par les siens, 12. 9/3 f. 
Paris, Plon freres, rue de Vaugirard, 36. (2 fr.)

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