G 142 2O
persönlich und dann durch Stanley mit dem ihm
nahestehenden Vorsitzenden der Imperial British
East Africa Company, Sir William Mackinnon.
Man einigte sich in dem Wunsche, zto come to
an understanding regarding the delimitation
of certain parts of their respective spheres of
action in Africa auf folgende Abmachungen
(vgl. Karte Nr. 1):
„The Independent Congo State and the Imp.
British East Africa Co. agree not to take any
Political action, the former to the Eastward,
the latter to the Westward of a line drawn
3 miles from the shore along the whole western
shore of lake Albert up to the mouth of the
Semliki River, thence following the course of
this River to its exit out of the lake Albert
Edward, thence the whole of the western and
southern shore line of that lake to the centre
of the scuthern shore of the said lake, the
islands and the waters between the said shore
line and the meridian of the centre of the lake
to be included within the limits of the Indep.
Congo State, and thence from the centre of
the southern shore of lake Albert Edward a
straight line to the north corner of lake Tan-
ganyika and the present frontier of the Indep.
Congo State.
It is also hereby understood by the under-
signed, that in consideration of tlhe Imperial
British East Africu Company agreeing not to
take any political action on the left bank of
the Nile between Kavalli's territory on the left
bank of the mouth of the Semliki River at
the south west end of the Albert Nyanza, as
far as Lado, and the recognition by the afore-
said Imperial British East Africa Company of
the sovereign rights of the Indep. Congo State
Over those territories, the Indep. Congo State
recognizes on its part the sovereign rights of
the Imper. British East Africa Company, from
a line drawn from the centre of the southern
shore of lake Albert Edward straight to the
north corner of lake Tanganyika — or, if con-
venient to the Indep. Congo State, a few miles
westerly and about parallel with the frontier
line of the State, and in that case so arranged
as not to impede the absolute control of the
State over this portion of its territory, which
may lie East of this line — over a territor)
which shall be on an average live miles in
breadth and inclusive of the district of Uzige
of ten square miles at the northern end of
lake Tanganyika.
The present agreement being entered upon
by Sir William Mackinnon on behalf of the
Imperial British East Africa Company, after
it had been ascertained that the British
Government have no objection to it, and
NMr. Henry Morton Stanley on behalf of the
Independent Congo State, and accordingly
signed by them, after exchange of their respeec-
tive full powers, and subject the ratification
of the Independent Congo State and of the
Board of Directors of the said Company within
a delay of ten days.
In witness whereof the parties have hereinto
set their hands this 24th day of may 1890.
H. M. Stanley.
W. Mackinnon.
Vor der Unterzeichnung dieses Abkommens
hatte der König den Entwurf desselben dem
Marquis of Salisbury, Premier-Minister und
Minister der Auswärtigen Angelegenheiten, zur
Prüfung und Einverständniserklärung vorgelegt.
Daraupfhin hatte er folgende Antwort erhalten:
May 21, 1890.
Sire "
I have the honour to return the papers
with which Vour Majesty was pleased to in-
trust me.
Ihave satisficel myself that no objections
will be raised on the part of the Foreign
Office to the engagements which have been
entered into br Vour Majesty as Head of the
Congo State, and Sir William Mackinnon’s
I have the honour to be
Vour NMajesty's obedient servant
H. M. the King of the Belgians.
Auf diese Außerung hin hatte der Court ok
Directors der Kompagnie das Abkommen am
24. Mai ebenfalls genehmigt.
Am 9. Juni sah sich Salisbury jedoch veran-
laßt, dem König mitzuteilen, daß nach näherer
Prüfung der Einzelheiten des Abkommens und
besonders mit Rücksicht auf die von seiten der
Kongoregierung mit Frankreich im Jahre 1884
stattgehabten Verhandlungen (betreffend das Vor-
kaufsrecht) I remain fully of the opinion which I
have already expressed, that there is nothing
to which the British Foreign Office is entitled
to objectc. Aber er müsse vom Standpunkt einer
Regierung, die ein freundliches Interesse am
Kongostaat habe, doch sagen, daß, wenn aus dem
Vertrag nicht mit aller Deutlichkeit hervorgehe,
daß die Abtretung von Souveränitätsrechten an
die Kompagnie über gewisse Gebiete nicht eine
Abtretung von Landgebiet überhaupt bedeuten
solle, die Abmachung Frankreich zu unerwünschten
Einspcüchen auf Grund des Abkommens von 1884