JoOTES loz
53. 20.
„ 28.
54. 13
!75 15.
!?I*? 25.
21 26.
haste’) in aller Frühe qune early’; in aller Gemüts-
ruhe (P. 34 1. 3).
so groß . auch ist, howerer great. a concessive
clause; sometimes auch is omind: so schnell ich lief, so
überholte er mich howerer qduicklr 1 ran, he caught me
up.“ Lhe second so merely introduces ihe principal clause
(apodosis). Another example is in p. 55 1. 23.
Jules Favre (r800—80): a distinguished barrister, especi-
ally in polnical cases. As Foreign Alinister he treated with
BPismarck on the armestise and terms of pPeace at Ferriere,
Versailles, and Frankfurt a. Al. lam Alain).
. eine Note means (7) an official communication; (2 imvoice,
bill; (3) music, e.2. bringen Sie Ihre Noten mit bring
your music. A written note — ein Briefchen; notes in a
pocket- bock — Notizen; noies’ (annotations) = Anmer-
kungen; banknote '— Banknote.
Gambetta (1838—82), of Jewish extraction, was a member
of the GCovernment of National Defence afer the fall of
the Empire. On Cctober 7 he escaped by balloon from
Paris io Tours, and undemd0ck the governmem of the
Provrinces and the organisation of the national armies.
Possessed of indomiable courage and unswerring patriotism
he was well fitted to act the dictator at such a crisis, and to
him are due whaterer successes attended ihe French arms
between September 1870 and February 1871.
manch liebes Mal, full many a time'; cls. fũür das
liebe Leben for dear lise'; jeder hat seine liebe Not
vsevery one has his pet trouble.“
die von Gold .Zimmer: see ncte, p. 2 1L z2.
strotzen, connected with #r#zz/1) to be swelled’; (a) #10
be teeming with’ (von in „ (3) pres. Part.-with a pro-
fusion of.“
leitete der König: So far as I can see, there never was a
more real commander-in-chief than this aged king. It Was
he who created this vast host; is he who knows how to
use 1. (W. H. Russell.)
man hätte: as the first clause is an adverbial one, the
principal one should begin with hätte. This might be con-
fusing, and hence the crder in the text, which could be
replaced by so hätte man; see also p. 12 1 20.
so aber, as #t was“’“ howerver.“
dem . . auf die Brust: for this use of lhe dat. see note,
P. 13 1. 28.
Straßburg: a strong fortress on the Ill, a small triburarr