Note. - This vocabulary gives the primary and crdinary meaninzs of the words,
and therefore does not in every case supply the best word to be used in the
abberufen, ic. u. to summon away
w-werden, to die
abblitzen, to flash in the Pan, miss
fire, be snubbed
abdanken, to resign
Abend (der), evening
abermals, for a second time
abertausende, thousands and thou-
abfahren, u, a, to drive off, start
abfeuern, to ĩre off
abgehen, i, a, to Po off, pass off
Abgeordneter (abordnen, to depute),
deputy, member os the diet
abhandeln, to discuss, beat down
by haggling
Ableben (das), decense
ablegen, to 2a) off, take (oath,
Eid), make (a confession, Be-
kenntnis), bear (witness, Seugnis)
ablenken, to turn awax, divert
abnehmen, a. o. to take away
(da“ % person), decrease,
decline, sink
abrechnen (mit einem), to settle
Abreise (die), travelling o#ft, start.
abreisen, to depart
abrüsten, to disarm
Abrüstung (die), demobilisation
Abschied (der), parting, farewell
seinen nehmen, to send
in one's resignation
abschlägig, containing a refusal;
#e bescheiden
English cognates are in italics.
abschütteln, to shake off
absehen, a, e, to look away from
abgeseben von, irrespective ofs,
apart from
absenden, a., a (zz#½#), to gendk off,
abspinnen (sich), a, o, to „ itself
off, take place
abstatten, to pay (a visit, Zesuch),
return #thanks, Dank)
absteigen, ie, ic, to descend, dis-
abtreten, a, e, to tread away from,
renounce, surrender
abwarten, to wait to the end
abwenden, a, a (z„#½). to
(Tand) away
achten auf (+ acc), to regard, pay
beed to
verachten, to despise
Achtung (die), respect
Adler (der), eagle
ähnlich (—.), similar to, re-
Ahnung (die) (abnen, to have „
Presentiment ", foreboding
abnungslos, unwittingly
allbekannt, notorious
allein, a##/ alonc, ad# however
allerdings, imall tlings, absolutely,
certainly (— freilich)
allgemein, general
gemein, Common
gemeinsam, gemeinschaftlich, joimt
alljährlich, annual