Full text: Central-Blatt für das Deutsche Reich. Achter Jahrgang. 1880. (8)

                                               —   120     —  
B. of New Vork 
List Nr. 
Post Office New Tork, N. T., 
I have received Fyour List Nr.# 
188 ,, with the international orders belonging to it. 
which has taken place, has proved the correctness of the totals, vi) 
Amounts paid in Dollars Cents. 
In return I transmit to Fou, herewith (in duplicate), a List Nr- „ 
The total amount of the List being 
of the 188., on the 
The examination, 
with the 
international orders belongig to it. Marks 
Be pleased to examine, complete, and return to me, the original copy of this List. 
with Jvour acknowledgment of its receipt, endorsed thereon. 
1 am respectfully. 
Tour obedient servant 
Postmaster, New Vork, N. V. 
To the Director of Posts 
at Cologne, Germany. 
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